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23:49 PM (Night)
Oyun Dilini Türkçeye Çevir
Is Playing Games Waste of Time
Attack Id Name Class Type Category Base Power Accuracy PP Priority Explanation
1 Absorb TM356 Grass Special 20 100 25 0 Absorb recovers the user’s HP equal to 50% of the damage dealt
2 Accelerock TM551 Rock Physical 40 100 20 1 Regular move. No extra feature
3 Acid TM189 Poison Special 40 100 30 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 10%
Acid decreases the enemy’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
4 Acid Armor TM190 Poison Status 1 1000 20 0 Acid Armor increases the user’s Defense stat by 2 stages
5 Acid Downpour Level Up Poison Special 195 1000 1 0 Regular move. No extra feature
6 Acid Spray TM361 Poison Special 40 100 20 0 Acid Spray decreases the enemy’s SpDefense stat by 2 stages
7 Acrobatics TM062 Flying Physical 55 100 15 0 The base power of Acrobatics doubles if the user is not holding an item
8 Acupressure TM450 Normal Status 1 1000 30 0 Acupressure randomly increases 1 of the user’s stats by 2 stages
9 Aerial Ace TM040 Flying Physical 60 1000 20 0 Regular move. No extra feature
10 Aeroblast Level Up Flying Special 100 95 5 0 Aeroblast has a Critical Hit chance level of +1
11 After You TM198 Normal Status 1 1000 15 0 After You increases the user’s Speed stat by 3 stages
12 Agility TM230 Psychic Status 1 1000 30 0 Agility increases the user’s Speed stat by 2 stages
13 Air Cutter TM214 Flying Special 60 95 25 0 Air Cutter has a Critical Hit chance level of +1
14 Air Slash TM466 Flying Special 75 95 20 0 Air Slash has a 30% chance to make the enemy cringe
15 All-Out Pummeling Level Up Fighting Physical 210 1000 1 0 Regular move. No extra feature
16 Ally Switch TM130 Psychic Status 1 1000 20 1 Ally Switch increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 2 stages
17 Amnesia TM299 Psychic Status 1 1000 20 0 Amnesia increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 2 stages
18 Anchor Shot Level Up Steel Physical 80 100 20 0 Anchor Shot traps the enemy’s Pokemon for 99 turns (the enemy can not switch out)
19 Ancient Power TM226 Rock Special 60 100 5 0 The move Ancient Power increases user’s Attack, SpAttack, Defense, SpDefense, and Speed stats by 1 stage with 10% chance
20 Aqua Jet TM266 Water Physical 40 100 20 1 Regular move. No extra feature
21 Aqua Ring TM371 Water Status 1 1000 20 0 Aqua Ring recovers user’s 30% of it’s maximum HP
22 Aqua Tail TM207 Water Physical 90 90 10 0 Regular move. No extra feature
23 Arm Thrust TM521 Fighting Physical 15 100 20 0 Arm Thrust makes the user to strike between 2-5 times in a row
24 Aromatherapy TM339 Grass Status 1 1000 5 0 Move Aromatherapy affects the entire team
Aromatherapy cures the user’s all status problems
25 Aromatic Mist TM547 Fairy Status 1 1000 15 0 Aromatic Mist increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 3 stages
26 Assist TM424 Normal Status 1 1000 20 0 Assist recovers user’s 30% of it’s maximum HP
27 Assurance TM162 Dark Physical 60 100 10 0 Assurance deals double damage if the enemy strikes first this turn
28 Astonish TM329 Ghost Physical 30 100 15 0 Astonish has a 30% chance to make the enemy cringe
29 Attack Order Level Up Bug Physical 90 100 15 0 Attack Order has a Critical Hit chance level of +1
30 Attract TM045 Normal Status 1 100 15 0 The effect of Attract works only if the enemy’s gender (Female vs Male) is opposite of the user’s gender
Attract decreases the enemy’s Attack stat by 2 stages
31 Aura Sphere TM372 Fighting Special 80 1000 20 0 Regular move. No extra feature
32 Aurora Beam TM460 Ice Special 65 100 20 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 10%
Aurora Beam decreases the enemy’s Attack stat by 1 stage
33 Aurora Veil TM070 Ice Status 1 1000 20 0 Aurora Veil increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Aurora Veil increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
34 Autotomize TM383 Steel Status 1 1000 15 0 Autotomize increases the user’s Speed stat by 2 stages
35 Avalanche TM101 Ice Physical 60 100 10 -4 Avalanche deals double damage if the enemy strikes first this turn
36 Baby-Doll Eyes TM429 Fairy Status 1 100 30 1 Baby-Doll Eyes decreases the enemy’s Attack stat by 1 stage
37 Baneful Bunker TM552 Poison Status 1 100 10 4 Baneful Bunker increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
Baneful Bunker has a 50% chance to poison the enemy
38 Barrage Level Up Normal Physical 15 85 20 0 Barrage makes the user to strike between 2-5 times in a row
39 Barrier TM131 Psychic Status 1 1000 20 0 Barrier increases the user’s Defense stat by 2 stages
40 Baton Pass TM163 Normal Status 1 1000 40 0 Baton Pass forces you to select a new Pokemon to apply move’s other effects
Moreover, Baton Pass forces user to switch out to the newly selected Pokemon
Baton Pass passes all of the stat changes of the user’s current Pokemon to the newly selected Pokemon
Baton Pass resets all of the stat changes of the user’s current Pokemon
41 Beak Blast TM549 Flying Physical 100 100 15 -3 Beak Blast has a 100% chance to burn the enemy
42 Beat Up TM231 Dark Physical 75 100 30 0 Regular move. No extra feature
43 Belch TM362 Poison Special 120 85 10 0 Regular move. No extra feature
44 Belly Drum TM311 Normal Status 1 1000 20 0 Belly Drum causes user to lose its 50% of maximum HP as a recoil damage
Belly Drum increases the user’s Attack stat by 12 stages
45 Bestow TM300 Normal Status 1 1000 20 1 Bestow randomly increases 1 of the user’s stats by 2 stages
46 Bide TM191 Normal Physical 130 100 10 1 Bide requires 2 turns to deal damage to the enemy
47 Bind TM274 Normal Physical 15 85 20 0 Bind has a 100% chance to inflict a bleeding on the enemy
Bind traps the enemy’s Pokemon for 5 turns (the enemy can not switch out)
48 Bite TM290 Dark Physical 60 100 25 0 Bite has a 30% chance to make the enemy cringe
49 Black Hole Eclipse Level Up Dark Physical 210 1000 1 0 Regular move. No extra feature
50 Blast Burn TM378 Fire Special 150 90 5 0 After using Blast Burn move, the user has to rest a turn before attacking again
51 Blaze Kick TM381 Fire Physical 85 90 10 0 Blaze Kick has a Critical Hit chance level of +1
Blaze Kick has a 10% chance to burn the enemy
52 Blizzard TM014 Ice Special 110 70 5 0 Blizzard has a 10% chance to freeze the enemy
53 Block TM112 Normal Status 1 1000 5 0 Block traps the enemy’s Pokemon for 99 turns (the enemy can not switch out)
Block increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
54 Bloom Doom Level Up Grass Physical 210 1000 1 0 Regular move. No extra feature
55 Blue Flare TM538 Fire Special 130 85 5 0 Blue Flare has a 20% chance to burn the enemy
56 Body Slam TM153 Normal Physical 85 100 15 0 Body Slam has a 30% chance to paralyze the enemy
57 Bolt Strike TM539 Electric Physical 130 85 5 0 Bolt Strike has a 20% chance to paralyze the enemy
58 Bone Club Level Up Ground Physical 65 85 20 0 Bone Club has a 10% chance to make the enemy cringe
59 Bone Rush TM510 Ground Physical 25 90 10 0 Bone Rush makes the user to strike between 2-5 times in a row
60 Bonemerang Level Up Ground Physical 50 90 10 0 Bonemerang makes the user to strike 2 times in a row
61 Boomburst TM420 Normal Special 140 100 10 0 Boomburst has 30% recoil damage
62 Bounce TM174 Flying Physical 85 85 5 0 Bounce has a 30% chance to paralyze the enemy
63 Brave Bird TM454 Flying Physical 120 100 15 0 Brave Bird has 33% recoil damage
64 Breakneck Blitz Level Up Normal Physical 210 1000 1 0 Regular move. No extra feature
65 Brick Break TM031 Fighting Physical 75 100 15 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 20%
Brick Break increases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stage
66 Brine TM288 Water Special 65 100 10 0 Brine deals double damage if the user has less than 50% of it’s maximum HP
67 Brutal Swing TM059 Dark Physical 90 100 20 0 Regular move. No extra feature
68 Bubble TM509 Water Special 40 100 30 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 10%
Bubble decreases the enemy’s Speed stat by 1 stage
69 Bubble Beam TM336 Water Special 65 100 20 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 10%
Bubble Beam decreases the enemy’s Speed stat by 1 stage
70 Bug Bite TM187 Bug Physical 60 100 20 0 Regular move. No extra feature
71 Bug Buzz TM486 Bug Special 90 100 10 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 10%
Bug Buzz decreases the enemy’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
72 Bulk Up TM008 Fighting Status 1 1000 20 0 Bulk Up increases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Bulk Up increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
73 Bulldoze TM078 Ground Physical 60 100 20 0 Bulldoze decreases the enemy’s Speed stat by 1 stage
74 Bullet Punch TM451 Steel Physical 40 100 30 1 Regular move. No extra feature
75 Bullet Seed TM102 Grass Physical 25 100 30 0 Bullet Seed makes the user to strike between 2-5 times in a row
76 Burn Up TM287 Fire Special 130 100 5 0 Burn Up has 25% recoil damage
77 Calm Mind TM004 Psychic Status 1 1000 20 0 Calm Mind increases the user’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
Calm Mind increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
78 Camouflage TM312 Normal Status 1 1000 20 0 Camouflage increases the user’s Evasion stat by 1 stage
79 Captivate TM124 Normal Status 1 100 20 0 The effect of Captivate works only if the enemy’s gender (Female vs Male) is opposite of the user’s gender
Captivate decreases the enemy’s SpAttack stat by 2 stages
80 Catastropika Level Up Electric Physical 210 1000 1 0 Regular move. No extra feature
81 Celebrate Level Up Normal Status 1 1000 1 0 Regular move. No extra feature
82 Charge TM258 Electric Status 1 1000 20 0 Charge increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
Charge increases the user’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
83 Charge Beam TM057 Electric Special 50 90 10 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 70%
Charge Beam increases the user’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
84 Charm TM322 Fairy Status 1 100 20 0 Charm decreases the enemy’s Attack stat by 2 stages
85 Chatter Level Up Flying Special 65 100 20 0 Chatter has a 100% chance to confuse the enemy
86 Chip Away TM446 Normal Physical 70 100 20 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 30%
Chip Away removes all stat changes from the enemy (e.g., Attack +1 becomes 0 and Defense -1 becomes 0)
87 Circle Throw TM400 Fighting Physical 100 90 10 0 Regular move. No extra feature
88 Clamp TM438 Water Physical 35 85 10 0 Clamp has a 100% chance to inflict a bleeding on the enemy
Clamp traps the enemy’s Pokemon for 5 turns (the enemy can not switch out)
89 Clanging Scales TM558 Dragon Special 110 100 5 0 Clanging Scales decreases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
90 Clear Smog TM363 Poison Special 50 1000 15 0 Clear Smog removes all stat changes from the enemy (e.g., Attack +1 becomes 0 and Defense -1 becomes 0)
This move never misses except invulnerable stage
91 Close Combat TM276 Fighting Physical 120 100 5 0 Close Combat decreases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Close Combat decreases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
92 Coil TM587 Poison Status 1 1000 20 0 Coil increases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Coil increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Coil increases the user’s Accuracy stat by 1 stage
93 Comet Punch TM443 Normal Physical 18 85 15 0 Comet Punch makes the user to strike between 2-5 times in a row
94 Confide TM100 Normal Status 1 1000 20 0 Confide decreases the enemy’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
95 Confuse Ray TM330 Ghost Status 1 100 10 0 Confuse Ray has a 100% chance to confuse the enemy
96 Confusion TM481 Psychic Special 50 100 25 0 Confusion has a 10% chance to confuse the enemy
97 Constrict TM488 Normal Physical 10 100 35 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 10%
Constrict decreases the enemy’s Speed stat by 1 stage
98 Continental Crush Level Up Rock Physical 210 1000 1 0 Regular move. No extra feature
99 Conversion Level Up Normal Status 1 1000 15 0 Conversion increases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Conversion increases the user’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
100 Conversion 2 Level Up Normal Status 1 1000 15 0 Conversion 2 increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Conversion 2 increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
101 Copycat TM313 Normal Status 1 1000 20 0 Copycat copies the enemy’s last used move during battle
Fails if the enemy has not used a move yet
102 Core Enforcer TM564 Dragon Special 100 100 10 0 Core Enforcer deals double damage if the enemy strikes first this turn
103 Corkscrew Crash Level Up Steel Physical 210 1000 1 0 Regular move. No extra feature
104 Cosmic Power TM351 Psychic Status 1 1000 20 0 Cosmic Power increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Cosmic Power increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
105 Cotton Guard TM502 Grass Status 1 1000 10 0 Cotton Guard increases the user’s Defense stat by 3 stages
106 Cotton Spore TM394 Grass Status 1 100 40 0 Cotton Spore decreases the enemy’s Speed stat by 2 stages
107 Counter TM154 Fighting Physical 1 1000 20 -5 Counter deals double the amount of last received Physical damage
If last received damage is a Special category, the move deals 0 damage
Counter ignores type immunities/effectiveness
This move never misses except invulnerable stage
108 Covet TM232 Normal Physical 70 100 25 0 Regular move. No extra feature
109 Crabhammer TM432 Water Physical 100 90 10 0 Crabhammer has a Critical Hit chance level of +1
110 Crafty Shield TM565 Fairy Status 1 1000 10 0 Move Crafty Shield affects the entire team
Crafty Shield cures the user’s all status problems
111 Cross Chop TM452 Fighting Physical 100 80 5 0 Cross Chop has a Critical Hit chance level of +1
112 Cross Poison TM267 Poison Physical 70 100 20 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 10%
Cross Poison has a 10% chance to poison the enemy
Cross Poison has a Critical Hit chance level of +1
113 Crunch TM275 Dark Physical 80 100 15 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 20%
Crunch decreases the enemy’s Defense stat by 1 stage
114 Crush Claw TM377 Normal Physical 75 95 10 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 50%
Crush Claw decreases the enemy’s Defense stat by 1 stage
115 Crush Grip Level Up Normal Physical 120 100 5 0 Crush Grip inflicts more damage when the opponent’s HP is higher
At full HP, its base power is 120 and it decreases in proportion
The power is: 120 × (CurrentHP / MaxHP of the opponent)
116 Curse TM164 Ghost Status 1 1000 5 0 Curse increases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Curse increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
If the move using Pokémon is a Ghost type, the effect of the move doubles.
For example, if the Pokémon uses a move that increases Defense stat by 1 stage, in this case, it increases by 2 stages
117 Cut HM01 Normal Physical 50 95 30 0 Regular move. No extra feature
118 Dark Pulse TM097 Dark Special 80 100 15 0 Dark Pulse has a 20% chance to make the enemy cringe
119 Dark Void Level Up Dark Status 1 80 10 0 Dark Void has a 100% chance to put the enemy to sleep
120 Darkest Lariat TM546 Dark Physical 85 100 10 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 30%
Darkest Lariat removes all stat changes from the enemy (e.g., Attack +1 becomes 0 and Defense -1 becomes 0)
121 Dazzling Gleam TM099 Fairy Special 95 100 10 0 Regular move. No extra feature
122 Defend Order Level Up Bug Status 1 1000 10 0 Defend Order increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Defend Order increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
123 Defense Curl TM225 Normal Status 1 1000 40 0 Defense Curl increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
124 Defog TM213 Flying Status 1 100 20 0 Defog removes all stat changes from both the enemy and the user (e.g., Attack +1 becomes 0 and Defense -1 becomes 0)
125 Destiny Bond TM194 Ghost Status 1 100 5 0 Destiny Bond decreases the enemy’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Destiny Bond decreases the enemy’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
126 Detect TM444 Fighting Status 1 1000 5 0 Detect increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Detect increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
127 Devastating Drake Level Up Dragon Physical 210 1000 1 0 Regular move. No extra feature
128 Diamond Storm Level Up Rock Physical 100 95 5 0 Diamond Storm increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
129 Dig TM228 Ground Physical 80 100 10 1 Regular move. No extra feature
130 Disable TM270 Normal Status 1 100 20 0 Disable decreases the enemy’s Accuracy stat by 1 stage
131 Disarming Voice TM459 Fairy Special 40 1000 15 0 Regular move. No extra feature
132 Discharge TM255 Electric Special 80 100 15 0 Discharge has a 30% chance to paralyze the enemy
133 Dive HM08 Water Physical 80 100 10 0 Regular move. No extra feature
134 Dizzy Punch TM504 Normal Physical 70 100 10 0 Dizzy Punch has a 20% chance to confuse the enemy
135 Doom Desire Level Up Steel Special 140 100 5 0 Doom Desire requires 2 turns to deal damage to the enemy
136 Double Hit TM401 Normal Physical 35 90 10 0 Double Hit makes the user to strike 2 times in a row
137 Double Kick TM277 Fighting Physical 30 100 30 0 Double Kick makes the user to strike 2 times in a row
138 Double Slap TM233 Normal Physical 15 85 10 0 Double Slap makes the user to strike between 2-5 times in a row
139 Double Team TM032 Normal Status 1 1000 15 0 Double Team increases the user’s Evasion stat by 1 stage
140 Double-Edge TM103 Normal Physical 120 100 15 0 Double-Edge has 33% recoil damage
141 Draco Meteor TM252 Dragon Special 130 95 5 0 Draco Meteor decreases the user’s SpAttack stat by 2 stages
142 Dragon Ascent TM528 Flying Physical 120 100 5 0 Dragon Ascent decreases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Dragon Ascent decreases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
143 Dragon Breath TM203 Dragon Special 60 100 20 0 Dragon Breath has a 30% chance to paralyze the enemy
144 Dragon Claw TM002 Dragon Physical 80 100 15 0 Regular move. No extra feature
145 Dragon Dance TM324 Dragon Status 1 1000 20 0 Dragon Dance increases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Dragon Dance increases the user’s Speed stat by 1 stage
146 Dragon Hammer TM482 Dragon Physical 90 100 15 0 Regular move. No extra feature
147 Dragon Pulse TM208 Dragon Special 85 100 10 0 Regular move. No extra feature
148 Dragon Rage TM325 Dragon Special 1 100 10 0 Dragon Rage deals 40 damage, as long as the enemy is not immune
149 Dragon Rush TM217 Dragon Physical 100 75 10 0 Dragon Rush has a 20% chance to make the enemy cringe
150 Dragon Tail TM082 Dragon Physical 90 90 10 0 Regular move. No extra feature
151 Drain Punch TM141 Fighting Physical 75 100 10 0 Drain Punch recovers the user’s HP equal to 50% of the damage dealt
152 Draining Kiss TM301 Fairy Special 50 100 10 0 Draining Kiss recovers the user’s HP equal to 75% of the damage dealt
153 Dream Eater TM085 Psychic Special 100 100 15 0 Dream Eater fails if the enemy is not sleeping
Dream Eater recovers the user’s HP equal to 50% of the damage dealt
154 Drill Peck TM500 Flying Physical 80 100 20 0 Regular move. No extra feature
155 Drill Run TM328 Ground Physical 80 95 10 0 Drill Run has a Critical Hit chance level of +1
156 Dual Chop TM310 Dragon Physical 40 90 15 0 Dual Chop makes the user to strike 2 times in a row
157 Dynamic Punch TM155 Fighting Physical 100 50 5 0 Dynamic Punch has a 100% chance to confuse the enemy
158 Earth Power TM209 Ground Special 90 100 10 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 10%
Earth Power decreases the enemy’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
159 Earthquake TM026 Ground Physical 100 100 10 0 Regular move. No extra feature
160 Echoed Voice TM049 Normal Special 80 100 15 0 Regular move. No extra feature
161 Eerie Impulse TM259 Electric Status 1 100 15 0 Eerie Impulse decreases the enemy’s SpAttack stat by 2 stages
162 Egg Bomb TM566 Normal Physical 100 75 10 0 Regular move. No extra feature
163 Electric Terrain TM260 Electric Status 1 1000 5 0 Electric Terrain increases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Electric Terrain increases the user’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
If the move using Pokémon is a Electric type, the effect of the move doubles.
For example, if the Pokémon uses a move that increases Defense stat by 1 stage, in this case, it increases by 2 stages
164 Electrify Level Up Electric Status 1 1000 5 0 Electrify increases the user’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
If the move using Pokémon is a Electric type, the effect of the move doubles.
For example, if the Pokémon uses a move that increases Defense stat by 1 stage, in this case, it increases by 2 stages
165 Electro Ball TM477 Electric Special 60 100 10 0 Electro Ball inflicts more damage the faster the user is compared to the opponent
150 BP (Base Power) if 4x faster, 120 BP if 3x faster, 80 BP if 2x faster, else 60 BP

166 Electroweb TM265 Electric Special 55 95 15 0 Electroweb decreases the enemy’s Speed stat by 1 stage
167 Embargo TM063 Dark Status 1 100 15 0 Embargo decreases the enemy’s Accuracy stat by 1 stage
168 Ember TM283 Fire Special 40 100 25 0 Ember has a 10% chance to burn the enemy
169 Encore TM132 Normal Status 1 100 5 0 Encore decreases the enemy’s Accuracy stat by 2 stages
170 Endeavor TM218 Normal Physical 1 1000 5 0 Endeavor changes the enemy’s health to equal the user’s health
This move never misses except invulnerable stage
171 Endure TM182 Normal Status 1 1000 5 0 Endure increases the user’s Evasion stat by 2 stages
172 Energy Ball TM053 Grass Special 90 100 10 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 10%
Energy Ball decreases the enemy’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
173 Entrainment TM427 Normal Status 1 1000 20 0 Entrainment increases the user’s Accuracy stat by 1 stage
174 Eruption TM536 Fire Special 150 100 5 0 Eruption inflicts more damage when the user’s HP is higher
At full HP its base power is 150 and it decreases in proportion
Formula of the power is: 150 × CurrentHP ÷ MaxHP
175 Explosion TM064 Normal Physical 250 100 5 0 Explosion is an extremely powerful attack that causes user to faint as a recoil damage
176 Extrasensory TM395 Psychic Special 80 100 20 0 Extrasensory has a 10% chance to make the enemy cringe
177 Extreme Evoboost Level Up Normal Status 1 1000 1 0 Extreme Evoboost has a 100% chance of increasing all of the user’s stats by 2 stages
178 Extreme Speed TM470 Normal Physical 80 100 5 2 Regular move. No extra feature
179 Facade TM042 Normal Physical 70 100 20 0 Facade deals double damage if the enemy has a status problem (e.g., Burning)
180 Fairy Lock Level Up Fairy Status 1 100 10 0 Fairy Lock traps the enemy’s Pokemon for 99 turns (the enemy can not switch out)
181 Fairy Wind TM485 Fairy Special 40 100 30 0 Regular move. No extra feature
182 Fake Out TM234 Normal Physical 40 100 10 3 Fake Out has a 10% chance to make the enemy cringe
183 Fake Tears TM314 Dark Status 1 100 20 0 Fake Tears decreases the enemy’s SpDefense stat by 2 stages
184 False Swipe TM054 Normal Physical 40 100 40 0 False Swipe inflicts damage but the opponent is always left at least with 1 HP (other effects such as ability damage can still faint the enemy)
The type of the move False Swipe changes according to the type of the held Crystal or Orb item
If no such item is hold, its type be Normal
185 Feather Dance TM247 Flying Status 1 100 15 0 Feather Dance decreases the enemy’s Attack stat by 2 stages
186 Feint TM183 Normal Physical 50 100 10 2 Regular move. No extra feature
187 Feint Attack TM165 Dark Physical 60 1000 20 0 Regular move. No extra feature
188 Fell Stinger TM403 Bug Physical 30 100 25 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 10%
Fell Stinger increases the user’s Attack stat by 2 stages
189 Fiery Dance Level Up Fire Special 80 100 10 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 50%
Fiery Dance increases the user’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
190 Final Gambit TM467 Fighting Special 1 100 5 0 Final Gambit adds 100% of the user’s current health to the damage as long as the enemy is not type immune
Final Gambit is an extremely powerful attack that causes user to faint as a recoil damage
191 Fire Blast TM038 Fire Special 110 85 5 0 Fire Blast has a 10% chance to burn the enemy
192 Fire Fang TM326 Fire Physical 65 95 15 0 Fire Fang has a 10% chance to make the enemy cringe
Fire Fang has a 10% chance to burn the enemy
193 Fire Lash TM615 Fire Physical 80 100 15 0 Fire Lash has a 10% chance to burn the enemy
Fire Lash decreases the enemy’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
194 Fire Pledge TM379 Fire Special 80 100 10 0 Fire Pledge has a 10% chance to burn the enemy
195 Fire Punch TM133 Fire Physical 75 100 15 0 Fire Punch has a 10% chance to burn the enemy
196 Fire Spin TM278 Fire Special 35 85 15 0 Fire Spin has a 100% chance to burn the enemy
Fire Spin traps the enemy’s Pokemon for 5 turns (the enemy can not switch out)
197 First Impression TM556 Bug Physical 90 100 5 2 Regular move. No extra feature
198 Fissure TM337 Ground Physical 1 1 5 0 Fissure always faints the enemy Pokemon if only maximum HP of the user’s Pokemon is bigger or equal to the maximum HP of the enemy’s Pokemon and user’s level is bigger or equal to enemy’s Pokemon level
199 Flail TM333 Normal Physical 1 100 15 0 Move Flail becomes stronger as the user’s health decreases (40 / (HP / max. HP)) and maximum power cap is 300
200 Flame Burst TM284 Fire Special 70 100 15 0 Flame Burst has a 20% chance to burn the enemy
201 Flame Charge TM043 Fire Physical 50 100 20 0 Flame Charge increases the user’s Speed stat by 1 stage
202 Flame Wheel TM285 Fire Physical 60 100 25 0 Flame Wheel has a 10% chance to burn the enemy
203 Flamethrower TM035 Fire Special 90 100 15 0 Flamethrower has a 10% chance to burn the enemy
204 Flare Blitz TM279 Fire Physical 120 100 15 0 Flare Blitz has a 10% chance to burn the enemy
Flare Blitz has 33% recoil damage
205 Flash TM128 Normal Status 1 100 20 0 Flash decreases the enemy’s Accuracy stat by 1 stage
206 Flash Cannon TM091 Steel Special 80 100 10 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 10%
Flash Cannon decreases the enemy’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
207 Flatter TM261 Dark Status 1 100 15 0 Flatter has a 100% chance to confuse the enemy
Flatter increases the enemy’s SpAttack stat by 2 stages
208 Fleur Cannon Level Up Fairy Special 130 90 5 0 Fleur Cannon decreases the user’s SpAttack stat by 2 stages
209 Fling TM056 Dark Physical 80 100 10 0 Regular move. No extra feature
210 Floral Healing Level Up Fairy Status 1 1000 10 0 Floral Healing recovers user’s 50% of it’s maximum HP
211 Flower Shield TM421 Fairy Status 1 1000 10 0 Flower Shield increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
If the move using Pokémon is a Grass type, the effect of the move doubles.
For example, if the Pokémon uses a move that increases Defense stat by 1 stage, in this case, it increases by 2 stages
212 Fly HM02 Flying Physical 90 95 15 0 The move Fly, allows you to instantly travel between maps that you have already explored when you are not in a battle, a cave or a Gym
213 Flying Press TM522 Fighting Physical 100 95 10 0 Regular move. No extra feature
214 Focus Blast TM052 Fighting Special 120 70 5 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 10%
Focus Blast decreases the enemy’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
215 Focus Energy TM307 Normal Status 1 1000 30 0 Focus Energy increases the Critical Hit chance level by 1 stages
216 Focus Punch TM113 Fighting Physical 150 100 20 -3 After using Focus Punch move, the user has to rest a turn before attacking again
217 Follow Me TM434 Normal Status 1 1000 10 0 Follow Me increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Follow Me increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
218 Force Palm TM445 Fighting Physical 60 100 10 0 Force Palm has a 30% chance to paralyze the enemy
219 Foresight TM204 Normal Status 1 1000 40 0 Foresight increases the user’s Accuracy stat by 1 stage
220 Forests Curse Level Up Grass Status 1 1000 20 0 Forests Curse increases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stage
If the move using Pokémon is a Grass type, the effect of the move doubles.
For example, if the Pokémon uses a move that increases Defense stat by 1 stage, in this case, it increases by 2 stages
221 Foul Play TM142 Dark Physical 95 100 15 0 Foul Play uses the opponent’s Attack stat instead of the user’s Attack stat in damage calculation
In other words, the move acts as if the target is attacking themselves, and thus is more powerful when the opponent has higher Attack
222 Freeze Shock Level Up Ice Physical 140 90 5 0 Freeze Shock requires 2 turns to deal damage to the enemy
Freeze Shock has a 30% chance to paralyze the enemy
223 Freeze-Dry TM305 Ice Special 70 100 20 0 Freeze-Dry has a 20% chance to freeze the enemy
224 Frenzy Plant TM347 Grass Special 150 90 5 0 After using Frenzy Plant move, the user has to rest a turn before attacking again
225 Frost Breath TM079 Ice Special 60 90 10 0 Frost Breath has a Critical Hit chance level of +5
226 Frustration TM021 Normal Physical 1 100 20 0 The power of Frustration is higher when the user dislikes its trainer more
The base power varies between 1 (maximum happiness) and 150 (minimum happiness)
227 Fury Attack TM469 Normal Physical 15 85 20 0 Fury Attack makes the user to strike between 2-5 times in a row
228 Fury Cutter TM177 Bug Physical 80 95 20 0 Regular move. No extra feature
229 Fury Swipes TM366 Normal Physical 18 80 15 0 Fury Swipes makes the user to strike between 2-5 times in a row
230 Fusion Bolt TM540 Electric Physical 100 100 5 0 Regular move. No extra feature
231 Fusion Flare TM541 Fire Special 100 100 5 0 Regular move. No extra feature
232 Future Sight TM315 Psychic Special 120 100 10 0 Future Sight requires 2 turns to deal damage to the enemy
233 Gastro Acid TM188 Poison Status 1 100 15 0 Gastro Acid decreases the enemy’s Accuracy stat by 1 stage
234 Gear Grind Level Up Steel Physical 50 85 15 0 Gear Grind makes the user to strike 2 times in a row
235 Gear Up Level Up Steel Status 1 1000 20 0 Gear Up increases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Gear Up increases the user’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
236 Genesis Supernova Level Up Psychic Special 185 1000 1 0 Regular move. No extra feature
237 Geomancy Level Up Fairy Status 1 1000 10 0 Geomancy requires 2 turns to deal damage to the enemy
Geomancy increases the user’s SpAttack stat by 2 stages
Geomancy increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 2 stages
Geomancy increases the user’s Speed stat by 2 stages
238 Giga Drain TM114 Grass Special 75 100 10 0 Giga Drain recovers the user’s HP equal to 50% of the damage dealt
239 Giga Impact TM068 Normal Physical 150 90 5 0 After using Giga Impact move, the user has to rest a turn before attacking again
240 Gigavolt Havoc Level Up Electric Special 190 1000 1 0 Regular move. No extra feature
241 Glaciate TM542 Ice Special 65 95 10 0 Glaciate decreases the enemy’s Speed stat by 1 stage
242 Glare TM471 Normal Status 1 100 30 0 Glare has a 100% chance to paralyze the enemy
243 Grass Knot TM086 Grass Special 70 100 20 0 Regular move. No extra feature
244 Grass Pledge TM423 Grass Special 80 100 10 0 Regular move. No extra feature
245 Grass Whistle TM340 Grass Status 1 55 15 0 Grass Whistle has a 100% chance to put the enemy to sleep
246 Grassy Terrain TM341 Grass Status 1 1000 10 0 Grassy Terrain recovers user’s 30% of it’s maximum HP
If the move using Pokémon is a Grass type, the effect of the move doubles.
For example, if the Pokémon uses a move that increases Defense stat by 1 stage, in this case, it increases by 2 stages
247 Gravity TM143 Psychic Status 1 100 5 0 Gravity decreases the enemy’s Speed stat by 2 stages
248 Growl TM431 Normal Status 1 100 40 0 Growl decreases the enemy’s Attack stat by 1 stage
249 Growth TM104 Normal Status 1 1000 40 0 Growth increases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Growth increases the user’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
If the move using Pokémon is a Grass type, the effect of the move doubles.
For example, if the Pokémon uses a move that increases Defense stat by 1 stage, in this case, it increases by 2 stages
250 Grudge TM472 Ghost Status 1 100 5 0 Grudge decreases the enemy’s Accuracy stat by 2 stages
251 Guard Split TM134 Psychic Status 1 100 5 0 Guard Split decreases the enemy’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Guard Split decreases the enemy’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
252 Guard Swap TM135 Psychic Status 1 100 5 0 Guard Swap decreases the enemy’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Guard Swap decreases the enemy’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
253 Guardian of Alola Level Up Fairy Special 1 1000 1 0 Guardian of Alola increases the user’s Defense stat by 5 stages
Guardian of Alola increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 5 stages
This move never misses except invulnerable stage
254 Guillotine Level Up Normal Physical 1 1 5 0 Guillotine always faints the enemy Pokemon if only maximum HP of the user’s Pokemon is bigger or equal to the maximum HP of the enemy’s Pokemon and user’s level is bigger or equal to enemy’s Pokemon level
255 Gunk Shot TM239 Poison Physical 120 80 5 0 Gunk Shot has a 30% chance to poison the enemy
256 Gust TM350 Flying Special 40 100 35 0 Regular move. No extra feature
257 Gyro Ball TM074 Steel Physical 1 100 5 0 Gyro Ball inflicts varying damage: the slower the user compared to the opponent, the higher the damage, up to a maximum base power of 150
The base power of the move is calculated as: 25 × TargetSpeed ÷ UserSpeed
For example, if the opponent is twice as fast as the user, Gyro Ball will have base power of 50
258 Hail TM007 Ice Status 1 100 10 0 Hail decreases the enemy’s Evasion stat by 1 stage
If the move using Pokémon is a Ice type, the effect of the move doubles.
For example, if the Pokémon uses a move that increases Defense stat by 1 stage, in this case, it increases by 2 stages
259 Hammer Arm TM449 Fighting Physical 100 90 10 0 Hammer Arm decreases the user’s Speed stat by 1 stage
260 Happy Hour TM570 Normal Status 1 1000 40 0 Happy Hour increases the user’s Accuracy stat by 1 stage
261 Harden TM308 Normal Status 1 1000 30 0 Harden increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
262 Haze TM248 Ice Status 1 1000 30 0 Haze removes all stat changes from both the enemy and the user (e.g., Attack +1 becomes 0 and Defense -1 becomes 0)
263 Head Charge Level Up Normal Physical 120 100 15 0 Head Charge has 25% recoil damage
264 Head Smash TM219 Rock Physical 150 80 5 0 Head Smash has 50% recoil damage
265 Headbutt TM126 Normal Physical 70 100 15 0 Headbutt has a 30% chance to make the enemy cringe
266 Heal Bell TM253 Normal Status 1 1000 5 0 Move Heal Bell affects the entire team
Heal Bell cures the user’s all status problems
267 Heal Block TM441 Psychic Status 1 100 15 0 Heal Block has a 100% chance to inflict a bleeding on the enemy
Heal Block traps the enemy’s Pokemon for 5 turns (the enemy can not switch out)
268 Heal Order Level Up Bug Status 1 1000 10 0 Heal Order recovers user’s 50% of it’s maximum HP
269 Heal Pulse TM342 Psychic Status 1 1000 10 0 Heal Pulse recovers user’s 50% of it’s maximum HP
270 Healing Wish TM302 Psychic Status 1 1000 10 0 Healing Wish recovers user’s 50% of it’s maximum HP
271 Heart Stamp TM517 Psychic Physical 60 100 25 0 Heart Stamp has a 30% chance to make the enemy cringe
272 Heart Swap Level Up Psychic Status 1 1000 10 0 Heart Swap swaps the stat changes (both positive and negative) between the enemy and the user
273 Heat Crash Level Up Fire Physical 80 100 10 0 Regular move. No extra feature
274 Heat Wave TM210 Fire Special 95 90 10 0 Heat Wave has a 10% chance to burn the enemy
275 Heavy Slam TM384 Steel Physical 120 100 10 -1 Regular move. No extra feature
276 Helping Hand TM246 Normal Status 1 1000 5 0 Helping Hand increases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Helping Hand increases the user’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
277 Hex TM166 Ghost Special 65 100 10 0 Hex deals double damage if the enemy has a status problem (e.g., Burning)
278 Hidden Power TM010 Normal Special 60 100 15 0 Base power of Hidden Power is equal to the user’s Unique Power, and this move’s type is always the type of user’s Unique Power Type
279 High Horsepower TM571 Ground Physical 95 95 10 0 Regular move. No extra feature
280 High Jump Kick TM499 Fighting Physical 130 90 10 0 High Jump Kick has 10% recoil damage
281 Hold Back Level Up Normal Physical 40 100 40 0 Hold Back inflicts damage but the opponent is always left at least with 1 HP (other effects such as ability damage can still faint the enemy)
282 Hold Hands TM572 Normal Status 1 1000 40 0 Hold Hands increases the user’s Accuracy stat by 1 stage
283 Hone Claws TM179 Dark Status 1 1000 15 0 Hone Claws increases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Hone Claws increases the user’s Accuracy stat by 1 stage
284 Horn Attack TM480 Normal Physical 65 100 25 0 Regular move. No extra feature
285 Horn Drill TM463 Normal Physical 1 1 5 0 Horn Drill always faints the enemy Pokemon if only maximum HP of the user’s Pokemon is bigger or equal to the maximum HP of the enemy’s Pokemon and user’s level is bigger or equal to enemy’s Pokemon level
286 Horn Leech TM530 Grass Physical 75 100 10 0 Horn Leech recovers the user’s HP equal to 50% of the damage dealt
287 Howl TM280 Normal Status 1 1000 40 0 Howl increases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stage
288 Hurricane TM535 Flying Special 110 70 10 0 Hurricane has a 30% chance to confuse the enemy
289 Hydro Cannon TM375 Water Special 150 90 5 0 After using Hydro Cannon move, the user has to rest a turn before attacking again
290 Hydro Pump TM327 Water Special 110 80 5 0 Regular move. No extra feature
291 Hydro Vortex Level Up Water Special 195 1000 1 0 Regular move. No extra feature
292 Hyper Beam TM015 Normal Special 150 90 5 0 After using Hyper Beam move, the user has to rest a turn before attacking again
293 Hyper Fang Level Up Normal Physical 80 90 15 0 Hyper Fang has a 10% chance to make the enemy cringe
294 Hyper Surf HM03 Water Special 100 100 15 0 Outside of battle, allows you to walk on water and hunt the Pokemon that appear on water surface
295 Hyper Voice TM249 Normal Special 90 100 10 0 Regular move. No extra feature
296 Hyperspace Fury Level Up Dark Physical 100 1000 5 0 Hyperspace Fury decreases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
This move never misses except invulnerable stage
297 Hyperspace Hole Level Up Psychic Special 80 1000 5 0 Hyperspace Hole decreases the enemy’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
This move never misses except invulnerable stage
298 Hypnosis TM390 Psychic Status 1 60 20 0 Hypnosis has a 100% chance to put the enemy to sleep
299 Ice Ball TM461 Ice Physical 90 90 20 0 Regular move. No extra feature
300 Ice Beam TM013 Ice Special 90 100 10 0 Ice Beam has a 10% chance to freeze the enemy
301 Ice Burn Level Up Ice Special 140 90 5 0 Ice Burn requires 2 turns to deal damage to the enemy
Ice Burn has a 30% chance to burn the enemy
302 Ice Fang TM456 Ice Physical 65 95 15 0 Ice Fang has a 10% chance to freeze the enemy
Ice Fang has a 10% chance to make the enemy cringe
303 Ice Hammer Level Up Ice Physical 100 90 10 0 Ice Hammer decreases the user’s Speed stat by 1 stage
304 Ice Punch TM115 Ice Physical 75 100 15 0 Ice Punch has a 10% chance to freeze the enemy
305 Ice Shard TM439 Ice Physical 40 100 30 1 Regular move. No extra feature
306 Icicle Crash TM348 Ice Physical 85 90 10 0 Icicle Crash has a 30% chance to make the enemy cringe
307 Icicle Spear TM437 Ice Physical 25 100 30 0 Icicle Spear makes the user to strike between 2-5 times in a row
308 Icy Wind TM116 Ice Special 55 95 15 0 Icy Wind decreases the enemy’s Speed stat by 1 stage
309 Imprison TM331 Psychic Status 1 80 10 0 Imprison has a 100% chance to put the enemy to sleep
310 Incinerate TM180 Fire Special 60 100 15 0 Incinerate has a 15% chance to burn the enemy
311 Inferno TM414 Fire Special 100 50 5 0 Inferno has a 100% chance to burn the enemy
312 Inferno Overdrive Level Up Fire Special 175 1000 1 0 Inferno Overdrive has a 100% chance to burn the enemy
This move never misses except invulnerable stage
313 Infestation TM083 Bug Special 20 100 20 0 Infestation has a 100% chance to poison the enemy
Infestation traps the enemy’s Pokemon for 5 turns (the enemy can not switch out)
314 Ingrain TM343 Bug Status 1 1000 20 0 Ingrain recovers user’s 25% of it’s maximum HP
315 Instruct Level Up Psychic Status 1 1000 10 0 Instruct increases the user’s Speed stat by 1 stage
Instruct increases the user’s Accuracy stat by 1 stage
316 Ion Deluge TM478 Electric Status 1 1000 25 0 Ion Deluge increases the user’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
If the move using Pokémon is a Electric type, the effect of the move doubles.
For example, if the Pokémon uses a move that increases Defense stat by 1 stage, in this case, it increases by 2 stages
317 Iron Defense TM199 Steel Status 1 1000 15 0 Iron Defense increases the user’s Defense stat by 2 stages
318 Iron Head TM200 Steel Physical 80 100 15 0 Iron Head has a 30% chance to make the enemy cringe
319 Iron Tail TM117 Steel Physical 100 75 15 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 30%
Iron Tail decreases the enemy’s Defense stat by 1 stage
320 Judgment Level Up Normal Special 100 100 10 0 The type of the move Judgment changes according to the type of the held Crystal or Orb item
If no such item is hold, its type be Normal
321 Jump Kick Level Up Fighting Physical 100 95 10 0 Jump Kick has 10% recoil damage
322 Karate Chop TM475 Fighting Physical 50 100 25 0 Karate Chop has a Critical Hit chance level of +1
323 Kinesis TM241 Psychic Status 1 80 15 0 Kinesis decreases the enemy’s Accuracy stat by 1 stage
324 Kings Shield TM614 Steel Status 1 100 10 3 Kings Shield decreases the enemy’s Attack stat by 2 stages
325 Knock Off TM136 Dark Physical 80 100 25 0 Knock Off inflicts damage and if the target has a held item, damage is increased by 50%
326 Lands Wrath Level Up Ground Physical 90 100 10 0 Regular move. No extra feature
327 Laser Focus TM573 Normal Status 1 1000 10 0 Laser Focus increases the Critical Hit chance level by 2 stages
328 Last Resort TM240 Normal Physical 140 75 5 0 Regular move. No extra feature
329 Lava Plume Level Up Fire Special 80 100 15 0 Lava Plume has a 30% chance to burn the enemy
330 Leaf Blade TM484 Grass Physical 90 100 15 0 Leaf Blade has a Critical Hit chance level of +1
331 Leaf Storm TM344 Grass Special 130 90 5 0 Leaf Storm decreases the user’s SpAttack stat by 2 stages
332 Leaf Tornado TM544 Grass Special 65 90 10 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 30%
Leaf Tornado decreases the enemy’s Accuracy stat by 1 stage
333 Leafage Level Up Grass Physical 40 100 40 0 Regular move. No extra feature
334 Leech Life TM028 Bug Physical 80 100 10 0 Leech Life recovers the user’s HP equal to 50% of the damage dealt
335 Leech Seed TM105 Grass Physical 80 100 10 0 Leech Seed recovers the user’s HP equal to 50% of the damage dealt
336 Leer TM286 Normal Status 1 100 30 0 Leer decreases the enemy’s Defense stat by 1 stage
337 Lick TM464 Ghost Physical 30 100 30 0 Lick has a 30% chance to paralyze the enemy
338 Light of Ruin Level Up Fairy Special 140 90 5 0 Light of Ruin has 50% recoil damage
339 Light Screen TM016 Psychic Status 1 1000 10 0 Light Screen increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 2 stages
340 Liquidation TM410 Water Physical 85 100 10 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 50%
Liquidation decreases the enemy’s Defense stat by 1 stage
341 Lock-On TM385 Normal Status 1 1000 5 0 Lock-On increases the user’s Accuracy stat by 3 stages
342 Lovely Kiss TM574 Normal Status 1 75 10 0 Lovely Kiss has a 100% chance to put the enemy to sleep
343 Low Kick TM223 Fighting Physical 70 100 20 0 Regular move. No extra feature
344 Low Sweep TM047 Fighting Physical 65 100 20 0 Low Sweep decreases the enemy’s Speed stat by 1 stage
345 Lucky Chant TM303 Normal Status 1 1000 10 0 Lucky Chant increases the user’s Evasion stat by 2 stages
346 Lunar Dance Level Up Psychic Status 1 1000 10 0 Lunar Dance recovers user’s 50% of it’s maximum HP
347 Lunge TM512 Bug Physical 80 100 15 0 Lunge decreases the enemy’s Attack stat by 1 stage
348 Luster Purge Level Up Psychic Special 70 100 5 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 50%
Luster Purge decreases the enemy’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
349 Mach Punch TM393 Fighting Physical 40 100 30 1 Regular move. No extra feature
350 Magic Coat TM144 Psychic Status 1 1000 5 0 Magic Coat increases the user’s Evasion stat by 1 stage
Magic Coat increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Magic Coat increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
351 Magic Room TM145 Psychic Status 1 100 5 0 Magic Room decreases the enemy’s Evasion stat by 1 stage
Magic Room decreases the enemy’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Magic Room decreases the enemy’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
352 Magical Leaf TM106 Grass Special 60 1000 20 0 Regular move. No extra feature
353 Magma Storm Level Up Fire Special 120 75 5 0 Magma Storm has a 100% chance to burn the enemy
Magma Storm traps the enemy’s Pokemon for 5 turns (the enemy can not switch out)
354 Magnet Bomb Level Up Steel Physical 60 1000 20 0 Regular move. No extra feature
355 Magnet Rise TM201 Electric Status 1 1000 5 0 Magnet Rise increases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Magnet Rise increases the user’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
Magnet Rise increases the user’s Speed stat by 1 stage
356 Magnetic Flux TM506 Electric Status 1 1000 20 0 Magnetic Flux increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Magnetic Flux increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
357 Magnitude TM386 Ground Physical 1 100 30 0 Magnitude has a 20% chance of having a base power of 40, 20% chance of having a base power of 60, 15% chance of having a base power of 80, 15% chance of having a base power of 100, 10% chance of having a base power of 120, 10% chance of having a base power of 140, 5% chance of having a base power of 160, and a 5% chance of having a base power of 180
358 Malicious Moonsault Level Up Dark Physical 180 1000 1 0 Regular move. No extra feature
359 Mat Block Level Up Fighting Status 1 1000 20 0 Mat Block increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Mat Block increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
360 Me First TM167 Normal Status 1 1000 5 0 Me First copies the enemy’s last used move during battle
Fails if the enemy has not used a move yet
Me First increases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Me First increases the user’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
361 Mean Look TM168 Normal Status 1 1000 5 0 Mean Look traps the enemy’s Pokemon for 99 turns (the enemy can not switch out)
362 Meditate TM453 Psychic Status 1 1000 40 0 Meditate increases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stage
363 Mega Drain TM448 Grass Special 40 100 15 0 Mega Drain recovers the user’s HP equal to 50% of the damage dealt
364 Mega Kick TM156 Normal Physical 120 75 5 0 Regular move. No extra feature
365 Mega Punch TM157 Normal Physical 80 85 20 0 Regular move. No extra feature
366 Megahorn TM169 Bug Physical 120 85 10 0 Regular move. No extra feature
367 Memento TM415 Dark Status 1 100 10 0 Memento decreases the enemy’s Attack stat by 2 stages
Memento decreases the enemy’s SpAttack stat by 2 stages
Memento is an extremely powerful attack that causes user to faint as a recoil damage
368 Metal Burst TM513 Steel Physical 1 100 10 0 Metal Burst deals 1.5 times of the damage dealt by the foe’s last attack
369 Metal Claw TM418 Steel Physical 50 95 35 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 10%
Metal Claw increases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stage
370 Metal Sound TM195 Steel Status 1 85 40 0 Metal Sound decreases the enemy’s SpDefense stat by 2 stages
371 Meteor Mash TM435 Steel Physical 90 90 10 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 20%
Meteor Mash increases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stage
372 Metronome TM158 Normal Physical 90 100 10 0 Regular move. No extra feature
373 Milk Drink TM492 Normal Status 1 1000 10 0 Milk Drink recovers user’s 50% of it’s maximum HP
374 Mimic TM159 Normal Status 1 1000 10 0 Mimic copies the enemy’s last used move during battle
Fails if the enemy has not used a move yet
375 Mind Reader TM184 Normal Status 1 1000 10 0 Mind Reader increases the user’s Accuracy stat by 2 stages
376 Minimize TM416 Normal Status 1 1000 10 0 Minimize increases the user’s Evasion stat by 2 stages
377 Miracle Eye TM494 Psychic Status 1 1000 10 0 Miracle Eye removes all stat changes from the enemy (e.g., Attack +1 becomes 0 and Defense -1 becomes 0)
Miracle Eye increases the user’s Accuracy stat by 1 stage
378 Mirror Coat TM242 Psychic Special 1 1000 20 -5 Mirror Coat deals double the amount of last received Special damage
If last received damage is a Physical category, the move deals 0 damage
Mirror Coat ignores type immunities/effectiveness
This move never misses except invulnerable stage
379 Mirror Move TM254 Normal Status 1 1000 5 0 Mirror Move copies the enemy’s last used move during battle
Fails if the enemy has not used a move yet
Mirror Move increases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Mirror Move increases the user’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
380 Mirror Shot TM487 Steel Special 65 85 10 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 30%
Mirror Shot decreases the enemy’s Accuracy stat by 1 stage
381 Mist TM107 Ice Status 1 1000 10 0 Mist removes all stat changes from both the enemy and the user (e.g., Attack +1 becomes 0 and Defense -1 becomes 0)
382 Mist Ball Level Up Psychic Special 70 100 5 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 50%
Mist Ball decreases the enemy’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
383 Misty Terrain TM433 Fairy Status 1 1000 10 0 Misty Terrain cures the user’s all status problems
Misty Terrain increases the user’s Evasion stat by 1 stage
384 Moonblast TM357 Fairy Special 95 100 15 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 30%
Moonblast decreases the enemy’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
385 Moongeist Beam TM560 Ghost Special 100 1000 5 0 Regular move. No extra feature
386 Moonlight TM358 Fairy Status 1 1000 5 0 Moonlight recovers user’s 70% of it’s maximum HP
387 Morning Sun TM281 Normal Status 1 1000 5 0 Morning Sun recovers user’s 70% of it’s maximum HP
388 Mud Bomb TM382 Ground Special 65 85 10 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 30%
Mud Bomb decreases the enemy’s Accuracy stat by 1 stage
389 Mud Shot TM334 Ground Special 55 95 15 0 Mud Shot decreases the enemy’s Speed stat by 1 stage
390 Mud Sport TM373 Ground Status 1 100 15 0 Mud Sport decreases the enemy’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Mud Sport decreases the enemy’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
391 Muddy Water TM316 Water Special 90 85 10 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 30%
Muddy Water decreases the enemy’s Accuracy stat by 1 stage
392 Mud-Slap TM127 Ground Special 20 100 10 0 Mud-Slap decreases the enemy’s Accuracy stat by 1 stage
393 Multi-Attack TM557 Normal Physical 90 100 10 0 The type of the move Multi-Attack changes according to the type of the held Crystal or Orb item
If no such item is hold, its type be Normal
394 Mystical Fire TM462 Fire Special 65 100 10 0 Mystical Fire decreases the enemy’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
395 Nasty Plot TM352 Dark Status 1 1000 20 0 Nasty Plot increases the user’s SpAttack stat by 2 stages
396 Natural Gift TM108 Normal Physical 80 100 15 0 Regular move. No extra feature
397 Nature Power TM096 Normal Physical 90 100 20 0 Regular move. No extra feature
398 Natures Hardship Level Up Fairy Special 1 90 10 0 Natures Hardship adds 50% of the enemy’s current health to the damage as long as the enemy is not type immune
399 Needle Arm TM524 Grass Physical 60 100 15 0 Needle Arm has a 30% chance to make the enemy cringe
400 Never-Ending Nightmare Level Up Ghost Physical 180 1000 1 0 Regular move. No extra feature
401 Night Daze Level Up Dark Special 85 95 10 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 40%
Night Daze decreases the enemy’s Accuracy stat by 1 stage
402 Night Shade TM417 Ghost Special 1 100 15 0 The damage of Night Shade is equal to the user’s level
So at level 100 the Pokémon will inflict pure 100 HP damage
403 Night Slash TM291 Dark Physical 70 100 15 0 Night Slash has a Critical Hit chance level of +1
404 Nightmare TM442 Ghost Special 150 100 15 0 Nightmare fails if the enemy is not sleeping
405 Noble Roar Level Up Normal Status 1 100 30 0 Noble Roar decreases the enemy’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Noble Roar decreases the enemy’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
406 Nuzzle TM525 Electric Physical 20 100 20 0 Nuzzle has a 100% chance to paralyze the enemy
407 Oblivion Wing Level Up Flying Special 80 100 10 0 Oblivion Wing recovers the user’s HP equal to 75% of the damage dealt
408 Oceanic Operetta Level Up Water Special 195 1000 1 0 Regular move. No extra feature
409 Octazooka TM503 Water Special 65 85 10 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 50%
Octazooka decreases the enemy’s Accuracy stat by 1 stage
410 Odor Sleuth TM262 Normal Status 1 1000 40 0 Odor Sleuth removes all stat changes from the enemy (e.g., Attack +1 becomes 0 and Defense -1 becomes 0)
Odor Sleuth increases the user’s Accuracy stat by 1 stage
411 Ominous Wind TM215 Ghost Special 60 100 5 0 Ominous Wind has a 10% chance of increasing all of the user’s stats by 1 stage
412 Origin Pulse Level Up Water Special 130 85 10 0 Regular move. No extra feature
413 Outrage TM118 Dragon Physical 120 100 10 0 Outrage has 15% recoil damage
414 Overheat TM050 Fire Special 130 90 5 0 Overheat decreases the user’s SpAttack stat by 2 stages
415 Pain Split TM243 Normal Status 1 1000 20 0 Pain Split makes user’s and enemy’s Pokemon HP equal with the following equation ((user’s HP + enemy’s HP) / 2) if only user’s maximum HP is bigger or equal to enemy’s maximum HP
416 Parabolic Charge Level Up Electric Special 50 100 20 0 Parabolic Charge recovers the user’s HP equal to 50% of the damage dealt
417 Parting Shot TM515 Dark Status 1 100 20 0 Parting Shot decreases the enemy’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Parting Shot decreases the enemy’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
Parting Shot forces you to select a new Pokemon to apply move’s other effects
Moreover, Parting Shot forces user to switch out to the newly selected Pokemon
418 Pay Day TM508 Normal Physical 80 100 20 0 Regular move. No extra feature
419 Payback TM066 Dark Physical 50 100 10 0 Payback deals double damage if the enemy strikes first this turn
420 Peck TM501 Flying Physical 35 100 35 0 Regular move. No extra feature
421 Perish Song TM170 Normal Physical 480 100 5 0 Perish Song is an extremely powerful attack that causes user to faint as a recoil damage
422 Petal Blizzard TM529 Grass Physical 100 100 15 0 Regular move. No extra feature
423 Petal Dance TM359 Grass Special 120 100 10 0 Petal Dance has 15% recoil damage
424 Phantom Force TM332 Ghost Physical 90 200 10 0 Regular move. No extra feature
425 Pin Missile TM396 Bug Physical 25 85 20 0 Pin Missile makes the user to strike between 2-5 times in a row
426 Play Nice TM526 Normal Status 1 1000 20 0 Play Nice decreases the enemy’s Attack stat by 1 stage
427 Play Rough TM171 Fairy Physical 90 90 10 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 10%
Play Rough decreases the enemy’s Attack stat by 1 stage
428 Pluck TM298 Flying Physical 60 100 20 0 Regular move. No extra feature
429 Poison Fang TM271 Poison Physical 50 100 15 0 Poison Fang has a 50% chance to poison the enemy
430 Poison Gas Level Up Poison Status 1 90 40 0 Poison Gas has a 100% chance to poison the enemy
431 Poison Jab TM084 Poison Physical 80 100 20 0 Poison Jab has a 30% chance to poison the enemy
432 Poison Powder TM256 Poison Status 1 75 35 0 Poison Powder has a 100% chance to poison the enemy
433 Poison Sting TM349 Poison Physical 15 100 35 0 Poison Sting has a 30% chance to poison the enemy
434 Poison Tail TM272 Poison Physical 50 100 25 0 Poison Tail has a 10% chance to poison the enemy
Poison Tail has a Critical Hit chance level of +1
435 Pollen Puff TM550 Bug Special 90 100 15 0 Pollen Puff recovers user’s 5% of it’s maximum HP
436 Pound TM430 Normal Physical 40 100 35 0 Regular move. No extra feature
437 Powder TM575 Bug Special 50 100 20 1 Regular move. No extra feature
438 Powder Snow TM537 Ice Special 40 100 25 0 Powder Snow has a 10% chance to freeze the enemy
439 Power Gem TM387 Rock Special 80 100 20 0 Regular move. No extra feature
440 Power Split TM413 Psychic Status 1 100 15 0 Power Split decreases the enemy’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Power Split decreases the enemy’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
441 Power Swap TM250 Psychic Status 1 100 15 0 Power Swap decreases the enemy’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Power Swap decreases the enemy’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
442 Power Trick TM137 Psychic Status 1 100 15 0 Power Trick decreases the enemy’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Power Trick decreases the enemy’s Defense stat by 1 stage
443 Power Trip TM507 Dark Physical 20 100 10 0 Power Trip deals varying damage based on the user’s stat increases
It starts at base power 20 and increases by 20 for each net stat boost the user has received, including Evasion and Accuracy
In other words the power is: 20 × NumIncreases + 20
For example, if the Pokémon has a total of 3 stat increases (+1 Attack, +1 Speed, +1 Evasion) then the Power Trip’s base power will be 20 × 3 + 20 = 80
444 Power Whip TM364 Grass Physical 120 85 10 0 Regular move. No extra feature
445 Power-Up Punch TM229 Fighting Physical 40 100 10 0 Power-Up Punch increases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stage
446 Precipice Blades Level Up Ground Physical 140 85 10 0 Regular move. No extra feature
447 Present TM317 Normal Physical 80 90 15 0 Regular move. No extra feature
448 Prismatic Laser Level Up Psychic Special 160 100 10 0 After using Prismatic Laser move, the user has to rest a turn before attacking again
449 Protect TM017 Normal Status 1 1000 5 0 Protect increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Protect increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
Protect increases the user’s Evasion stat by 1 stage
450 Psybeam TM292 Psychic Special 65 100 20 0 Psybeam has a 10% chance to confuse the enemy
451 Psych Up TM077 Normal Status 1 1000 10 0 Psych Up swaps the stat changes (both positive and negative) between the enemy and the user
452 Psychic TM029 Psychic Special 90 100 10 0 Psychic swaps the stat changes (both positive and negative) between the enemy and the user
Psychic decreases the enemy’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
453 Psychic Fangs TM411 Psychic Physical 85 100 10 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 25%
Psychic Fangs removes all stat changes from the enemy (e.g., Attack +1 becomes 0 and Defense -1 becomes 0)
454 Psychic Terrain TM555 Psychic Status 1 100 10 0 Psychic Terrain decreases the enemy’s Speed stat by 2 stages
455 Psycho Boost Level Up Psychic Special 140 90 5 0 Psycho Boost decreases the user’s SpAttack stat by 2 stages
456 Psycho Cut TM370 Psychic Physical 70 100 20 0 Psycho Cut has a Critical Hit chance level of +1
457 Psycho Shift TM138 Psychic Status 1 90 10 0 Psycho Shift swaps the stat changes (both positive and negative) between the enemy and the user
458 Psyshock TM003 Psychic Special 80 100 10 0 Psyshock inflicts damage based on the target’s Defense, not Special Defense
459 Psystrike Level Up Psychic Special 100 100 10 0 Psystrike inflicts damage based on the target’s Defense, not Special Defense
460 Psywave TM490 Psychic Special 1 80 15 0 Psywave inflicts a random amount of pure HP damage, varying between 50% and 150% of the user’s level
In other words, at level 100 the damage will be 50-150 HP
461 Pulverizing Pancake Level Up Normal Physical 210 1000 1 0 Regular move. No extra feature
462 Punishment TM172 Dark Physical 60 100 5 0 Punishment deals varying damage based on the opponent’s stat increases
It starts at base power of 60 and increases by 20 for every net stat boost of the opponent, up to a maximum of 200 (7 boosts)
In other words the power is: 20 × NumIncreases + 60
For example, if the opponent has 4 stat increases (+2 Special Attack, +2 Speed) then the Punishment’s base power will be 20 × 4 + 60 = 140
463 Purify Level Up Poison Status 1 1000 20 0 Purify recovers user’s 35% of it’s maximum HP
464 Pursuit TM185 Dark Physical 60 100 20 0 Regular move. No extra feature
465 Quash TM060 Dark Status 1 100 15 0 Quash decreases the enemy’s Speed stat by 2 stages
466 Quick Attack TM367 Normal Physical 40 100 30 1 Regular move. No extra feature
467 Quick Guard TM235 Fighting Status 1 1000 10 3 Quick Guard increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Quick Guard increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
468 Quiver Dance TM518 Bug Status 1 1000 20 0 Quiver Dance increases the user’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
Quiver Dance increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
Quiver Dance increases the user’s Speed stat by 1 stage
469 Rage TM251 Normal Physical 20 100 20 -1 Rage increases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stage
470 Rage Powder TM293 Bug Status 1 1000 20 0 Rage Powder increases the enemy’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Rage Powder increases the enemy’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
Rage Powder decreases the enemy’s Accuracy stat by 2 stages
471 Rain Dance TM018 Water Status 1 1000 5 0 Rain Dance changes the current weather to cloudy
Rain Dance increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Rain Dance increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
472 Rapid Spin TM268 Normal Physical 20 100 40 0 Rapid Spin increases the user’s Evasion stat by 1 stage
473 Razor Leaf TM354 Grass Physical 55 95 25 0 Razor Leaf has a Critical Hit chance level of +1
474 Razor Shell TM440 Water Physical 75 95 10 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 50%
Razor Shell decreases the enemy’s Defense stat by 1 stage
475 Razor Wind TM309 Normal Special 80 100 10 0 Razor Wind has a Critical Hit chance level of +1
476 Recover TM306 Normal Status 1 1000 10 0 Recover recovers user’s 50% of it’s maximum HP
477 Recycle TM146 Normal Status 1 1000 10 0 Recycle recovers user’s 10% of it’s maximum HP
Recycle cures the user’s all status problems
478 Reflect TM033 Psychic Status 1 1000 20 0 Reflect increases the user’s Defense stat by 2 stages
479 Reflect Type TM412 Normal Status 1 1000 20 0 Reflect Type increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Reflect Type increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
480 Refresh TM244 Normal Status 1 1000 20 0 Refresh cures the user’s all status problems
481 Relic Song TM514 Normal Special 75 100 10 0 Relic Song has a 10% chance to put the enemy to sleep
482 Rest TM044 Psychic Status 1 1000 5 0 Rest recovers user’s 100% of it’s maximum HP
Rest cures the user’s all status problems
After using Rest move, the user has to rest a turn before attacking again
483 Resting NonCombat Normal Status 0 1000 9 9 Resting is a non-combat system related move and cannot be learned by Pokemon
484 Retaliate TM181 Normal Physical 80 100 5 0 Retaliate deals double damage if the enemy strikes first this turn
485 Return TM027 Normal Physical 1 100 20 0 The power of Return is higher when the user likes its trainer more
The base power varies between 1 (minimum happiness) and 150 (maximum happiness)
486 Revelation Dance Level Up Normal Special 90 100 15 0 The type of the move Revelation Dance changes according to the type of the held Crystal or Orb item
If no such item is hold, its type be Normal
487 Revenge TM236 Fighting Physical 60 100 10 -4 Revenge deals double damage if the enemy strikes first this turn
488 Reversal TM220 Fighting Physical 1 100 15 0 Move Reversal becomes stronger as the user’s health decreases (40 / (HP / max. HP)) and maximum power cap is 300
489 Roar TM005 Normal Status 1 1000 20 0 Roar increases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Roar increases the user’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
490 Roar of Time Level Up Dragon Special 150 90 5 0 After using Roar of Time move, the user has to rest a turn before attacking again
491 Rock Blast TM338 Rock Physical 25 90 10 0 Rock Blast makes the user to strike between 2-5 times in a row
492 Rock Climb TM125 Normal Physical 90 85 20 0 Rock Climb has a 20% chance to confuse the enemy
493 Rock Polish TM069 Rock Status 1 1000 20 0 Rock Polish increases the user’s Speed stat by 2 stages
494 Rock Slide TM080 Rock Physical 75 90 10 0 Rock Slide has a 30% chance to make the enemy cringe
495 Rock Smash HM06 Fighting Physical 40 100 15 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 50%
Rock Smash decreases the enemy’s Defense stat by 1 stage
496 Rock Throw TM409 Rock Physical 50 90 15 0 Regular move. No extra feature
497 Rock Tomb TM039 Rock Physical 60 95 15 0 Rock Tomb decreases the enemy’s Speed stat by 1 stage
498 Rock Wrecker Level Up Rock Physical 150 90 5 0 After using Rock Wrecker move, the user has to rest a turn before attacking again
499 Role Play TM119 Psychic Status 1 1000 15 0 Role Play increases the user’s Evasion stat by 2 stages
500 Rolling Kick TM476 Fighting Physical 60 85 15 0 Rolling Kick has a 30% chance to make the enemy cringe
501 Rollout TM227 Rock Physical 90 90 20 0 Regular move. No extra feature
502 Roost TM019 Flying Status 1 1000 10 0 Roost recovers user’s 50% of it’s maximum HP
503 Rototiller TM404 Ground Status 1 1000 5 0 Rototiller increases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Rototiller increases the user’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
If the move using Pokémon is a Grass type, the effect of the move doubles.
For example, if the Pokémon uses a move that increases Defense stat by 1 stage, in this case, it increases by 2 stages
504 Round TM048 Normal Special 60 100 10 0 Round increases the user’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
505 Sacred Fire Level Up Fire Physical 100 95 5 0 Sacred Fire has a 50% chance to burn the enemy
506 Sacred Sword TM576 Fighting Physical 90 1000 20 0 Regular move. No extra feature
507 Safeguard TM020 Normal Status 1 1000 25 0 Move Safeguard affects the entire team
Safeguard cures the user’s all status problems
508 Sand Attack TM263 Ground Status 1 100 10 0 Sand Attack decreases the enemy’s Accuracy stat by 2 stages
509 Sand Tomb TM388 Ground Physical 35 85 15 0 Sand Tomb has a 100% chance to inflict a bleeding on the enemy
Sand Tomb traps the enemy’s Pokemon for 5 turns (the enemy can not switch out)
510 Sandstorm TM037 Rock Status 1 100 10 0 Sandstorm decreases the enemy’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Sandstorm decreases the enemy’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
511 Savage Spin-Out Level Up Bug Physical 200 1000 1 0 Regular move. No extra feature
512 Scald TM055 Water Special 80 100 15 0 Scald has a 30% chance to burn the enemy
513 Scary Face TM273 Normal Status 1 100 10 0 Scary Face decreases the enemy’s Speed stat by 2 stages
514 Scratch TM531 Normal Physical 40 100 35 0 Regular move. No extra feature
515 Screech TM221 Normal Status 1 85 40 0 Screech decreases the enemy’s Defense stat by 2 stages
516 Searing Shot Level Up Fire Special 100 100 5 0 Searing Shot has a 30% chance to burn the enemy
517 Secret Power TM129 Normal Physical 70 100 20 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 20%
Secret Power randomly inflicts a status problem on the enemy (e.g., Burning)
518 Secret Sword TM505 Fighting Special 85 100 10 0 Secret Sword inflicts damage based on the target’s Defense, not Special Defense
519 Seed Bomb TM109 Grass Physical 80 100 15 0 Regular move. No extra feature
520 Seed Flare Level Up Grass Special 120 85 5 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 40%
Seed Flare decreases the enemy’s SpDefense stat by 2 stages
521 Seismic Toss TM160 Fighting Physical 1 100 20 0 The damage of Seismic Toss is equal to the user’s level
So at level 100 the Pokémon will inflict pure 100 HP damage
522 Select Monster NonCombat Normal Status 0 1000 9 9 Select Monster is a non-combat system related move and cannot be learned by Pokemon
523 Self-Destruct TM389 Normal Physical 200 100 5 0 Self-Destruct is an extremely powerful attack that causes user to faint as a recoil damage
524 Shadow Ball TM030 Ghost Special 80 100 15 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 20%
Shadow Ball decreases the enemy’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
525 Shadow Blast Level Up Dark Special 80 100 5 0 Shadow Blast has a Critical Hit chance level of +2
526 Shadow Bone TM608 Ghost Physical 85 100 10 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 30%
Shadow Bone decreases the enemy’s Defense stat by 1 stage
527 Shadow Claw TM065 Ghost Physical 70 100 15 0 Shadow Claw has a Critical Hit chance level of +1
528 Shadow Down Level Up Dark Status 1 100 40 0 Shadow Down decreases the enemy’s Defense stat by 2 stages
529 Shadow Force Level Up Ghost Physical 120 100 5 0 Regular move. No extra feature
530 Shadow Punch TM473 Ghost Physical 60 1000 20 0 Regular move. No extra feature
531 Shadow Sneak TM196 Ghost Physical 40 100 30 1 Regular move. No extra feature
532 Shadow Storm Level Up Dark Special 90 100 15 0 Regular move. No extra feature
533 Sharpen TM523 Normal Status 1 1000 30 0 Sharpen increases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stage
534 Shattered Psyche Level Up Psychic Physical 195 1000 1 0 Regular move. No extra feature
535 Sheer Cold TM465 Ice Special 1 1 5 0 Sheer Cold always faints the enemy Pokemon if only maximum HP of the user’s Pokemon is bigger or equal to the maximum HP of the enemy’s Pokemon and user’s level is bigger or equal to enemy’s Pokemon level
536 Shell Smash TM493 Normal Status 1 1000 15 0 Shell Smash decreases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Shell Smash decreases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
Shell Smash increases the user’s Attack stat by 2 stages
Shell Smash increases the user’s SpAttack stat by 2 stages
Shell Smash increases the user’s Speed stat by 2 stages
537 Shell Trap Level Up Fire Special 150 100 5 -3 Regular move. No extra feature
538 Shift Gear Level Up Steel Status 1 1000 10 0 Shift Gear increases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Shift Gear increases the user’s Speed stat by 2 stages
539 Shock Wave TM147 Electric Special 60 1000 20 0 Regular move. No extra feature
540 Shore Up Level Up Ground Status 1 1000 10 0 Shore Up recovers user’s 50% of it’s maximum HP
541 Signal Beam TM148 Bug Special 75 100 15 0 Signal Beam has a 10% chance to confuse the enemy
542 Silver Wind TM289 Bug Special 60 100 5 0 The move Silver Wind increases user’s Attack, SpAttack, Defense, SpDefense, and Speed stats by 1 stage with 10% chance
543 Simple Beam TM458 Normal Status 1 1000 10 0 The move Simple Beam increases user’s Attack, SpAttack, Defense, SpDefense, and Speed stats by 1 stage with 50% chance
544 Sing TM318 Normal Status 1 55 15 0 Sing has a 100% chance to put the enemy to sleep
545 Sinister Arrow Raid Level Up Ghost Physical 180 1000 1 0 Regular move. No extra feature
546 Sketch Level Up Normal Status 1 1000 5 0 Sketch copies the last used move of the enemy permanently with its full features, and this move diminishes from the user
547 Skill Swap TM139 Psychic Status 1 1000 10 0 Skill Swap swaps abilities with the enemy during for that battle
548 Skull Bash TM110 Normal Physical 130 100 10 0 Skull Bash increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Skull Bash requires 2 turns to deal damage to the enemy
549 Sky Attack TM211 Flying Physical 140 90 5 0 Sky Attack has a 30% chance to make the enemy cringe
550 Sky Drop TM058 Flying Physical 80 100 10 0 Sky Drop has a 30% chance to make the enemy cringe
551 Sky Uppercut TM402 Fighting Physical 85 1000 15 0 Regular move. No extra feature
552 Slack Off TM498 Normal Status 1 1000 10 0 Slack Off recovers user’s 50% of it’s maximum HP
553 Slam TM237 Normal Physical 80 75 20 0 Regular move. No extra feature
554 Slash TM397 Normal Physical 70 100 20 0 Slash has a Critical Hit chance level of +1
555 Sleep Powder TM360 Grass Status 1 75 15 0 Sleep Powder has a 100% chance to put the enemy to sleep
556 Sleep Talk TM088 Normal Status 1 1000 10 1 Sleep Talk works only if the user is asleep
Sleep Talk increases the user’s Defense stat by 2 stages
Sleep Talk increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 2 stages
Sleep Talk increases the user’s Evasion stat by 2 stages
557 Sludge TM399 Poison Special 65 100 20 0 Sludge has a 30% chance to poison the enemy
558 Sludge Bomb TM036 Poison Special 90 100 10 0 Sludge Bomb has a 30% chance to poison the enemy
559 Sludge Wave TM034 Poison Special 95 100 10 0 Sludge Wave has a 10% chance to poison the enemy
560 Smack Down TM023 Rock Physical 50 100 15 0 Smack Down has a 30% chance to make the enemy cringe
561 Smart Strike TM067 Steel Physical 70 1000 10 0 Regular move. No extra feature
562 Smelling Salts TM222 Normal Physical 70 100 10 0 Base power of Smelling Salts doubles when the opponent is under Paralyzed status problem
563 Smog TM491 Poison Special 30 70 20 0 Smog has a 40% chance to poison the enemy
564 Smokescreen TM483 Normal Status 1 100 20 0 Smokescreen decreases the enemy’s Accuracy stat by 1 stage
565 Snarl TM095 Dark Special 55 95 15 0 Snarl decreases the enemy’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
566 Snatch TM149 Dark Status 1 1000 10 0 Snatch increases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Snatch increases the user’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
567 Snore TM120 Normal Special 50 100 15 0 Snore has a 30% chance to make the enemy cringe
Snore works only if the user is asleep
568 Soak TM319 Water Status 1 1000 10 0 Soak increases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Soak increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
If the move using Pokémon is a Water type, the effect of the move doubles.
For example, if the Pokémon uses a move that increases Defense stat by 1 stage, in this case, it increases by 2 stages
569 Soft-Boiled TM436 Normal Status 1 1000 10 0 Soft-Boiled recovers user’s 50% of it’s maximum HP
570 Solar Beam TM022 Grass Special 120 100 10 0 Solar Beam requires 2 turns to deal damage to the enemy
571 Solar Blade TM610 Grass Physical 125 100 10 0 Solar Blade requires 2 turns to deal damage to the enemy
572 Sonic Boom TM294 Normal Special 1 90 20 0 Sonic Boom deals 20 damage, as long as the enemy is not immune
573 Spacial Rend Level Up Dragon Special 100 95 5 0 Spacial Rend has a Critical Hit chance level of +1
574 Spark TM335 Electric Physical 65 100 20 0 Spark has a 30% chance to paralyze the enemy
575 Sparkling Aria TM548 Water Special 90 100 10 0 Regular move. No extra feature
576 Spectral Thief Level Up Ghost Physical 90 100 10 0 Spectral Thief has a 20% chance of increasing all of the user’s stats by 1 stage
577 Speed Swap TM479 Psychic Status 1 100 10 0 Speed Swap increases the user’s Speed stat by 1 stage
Speed Swap decreases the enemy’s Speed stat by 1 stage
578 Spider Web Level Up Bug Status 1 1000 10 0 Spider Web traps the enemy’s Pokemon for 99 turns (the enemy can not switch out)
579 Spike Cannon TM519 Normal Physical 20 100 15 0 Spike Cannon makes the user to strike between 2-5 times in a row
580 Spikes TM186 Ground Physical 1 100 20 0 Spikes adds 25% of the enemy’s current health to the damage as long as the enemy is not type immune
581 Spiky Shield TM405 Grass Status 1 1000 10 0 Spiky Shield increases the user’s Defense stat by 2 stages
Spiky Shield increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 2 stages
Spiky Shield decreases the user’s Speed stat by 1 stage
582 Spirit Shackle TM545 Ghost Physical 80 100 10 0 Spirit Shackle traps the enemy’s Pokemon for 99 turns (the enemy can not switch out)
583 Spit Up TM406 Normal Special 80 100 10 0 Regular move. No extra feature
584 Spite TM175 Ghost Status 1 100 10 0 Spite reduces the enemy’s last used move’s PP by 4 points
585 Splash TM323 Normal Status 1 1000 40 0 Regular move. No extra feature
586 Spore TM392 Grass Status 1 100 15 0 Spore has a 100% chance to put the enemy to sleep
587 Spotlight TM534 Normal Status 1 100 15 0 Spotlight decreases the enemy’s Accuracy stat by 1 stage
588 Star Strike Level Up Ghost Physical 195 1000 1 0 Regular move. No extra feature
589 Stealth Rock TM212 Rock Physical 1 100 20 0 Stealth Rock adds 25% of the enemy’s current health to the damage as long as the enemy is not type immune
590 Steam Eruption Level Up Water Special 110 95 5 0 Steam Eruption has a 30% chance to burn the enemy
591 Steamroller Level Up Bug Physical 65 100 20 0 Steamroller has a 30% chance to make the enemy cringe
592 Steel Wing TM051 Steel Physical 70 90 25 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 10%
Steel Wing increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
593 Sticky Web TM489 Bug Status 1 100 10 0 Sticky Web decreases the enemy’s Speed stat by 1 stage
Sticky Web decreases the enemy’s Accuracy stat by 1 stage
594 Stockpile TM407 Normal Status 1 1000 10 0 Stockpile increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Stockpile increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
595 Stoked Sparksurfer Level Up Electric Special 175 1000 1 0 Regular move. No extra feature
596 Stomp TM111 Normal Physical 65 100 20 0 Stomp has a 30% chance to make the enemy cringe
597 Stomping Tantrum TM553 Ground Physical 150 100 10 -1 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 30%
Stomping Tantrum decreases the user’s Accuracy stat by 1 stage
598 Stone Edge TM071 Rock Physical 100 80 5 0 Stone Edge has a Critical Hit chance level of +1
599 Stored Power TM426 Psychic Special 20 100 5 0 Stored Power deals varying damage based on the user’s stat increases
It starts at base power 20 and increases by 20 for each net stat boost the user has received, including Evasion and Accuracy
In other words the power is: 20 × NumIncreases + 20
For example, if the Pokémon has a total of 3 stat increases (+1 Attack, +1 Speed, +1 Evasion) then the Stored Power’s base power will be 20 × 3 + 20 = 80
600 Storm Throw TM520 Fighting Physical 60 100 10 0 Storm Throw has a Critical Hit chance level of +5
601 Strength HM04 Normal Physical 80 100 15 0 Regular move. No extra feature
602 Strength Sap TM581 Grass Physical 1 100 10 0 Strength Sap recovers user’s 35% of it’s maximum HP
Strength Sap decreases the enemy’s Attack stat by 1 stage
603 String Shot TM269 Bug Status 1 95 40 0 String Shot decreases the enemy’s Speed stat by 2 stages
604 Struggle NonCombat Normal Physical 50 100 1 0 Struggle has 50% recoil damage
605 Struggle Bug TM193 Bug Special 50 100 20 0 Struggle Bug decreases the enemy’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
606 Stun Spore TM257 Grass Status 1 75 30 0 Stun Spore has a 100% chance to paralyze the enemy
607 Submission TM425 Fighting Physical 80 80 25 0 Submission has 25% recoil damage
608 Substitute TM090 Normal Status 1 1000 5 0 Substitute increases the user’s Evasion stat by 3 stages
609 Subzero Slammer Level Up Ice Physical 195 1000 1 0 Regular move. No extra feature
610 Sucker Punch TM173 Dark Physical 70 100 5 1 Regular move. No extra feature
611 Sunny Day TM011 Fire Status 1 1000 5 0 Sunny Day changes the current weather to cloudless
Sunny Day increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Sunny Day increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
612 Sunsteel Strike TM559 Steel Physical 100 1000 5 0 Regular move. No extra feature
613 Super Fang TM368 Normal Physical 1 90 10 0 Super Fang adds 50% of the enemy’s current health to the damage as long as the enemy is not type immune
614 Superpower TM176 Fighting Physical 120 100 5 0 Superpower decreases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Superpower decreases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
615 Supersonic TM320 Normal Status 1 55 20 0 Supersonic has a 100% chance to confuse the enemy
616 Supersonic Skystrike Level Up Flying Physical 185 1000 1 0 Regular move. No extra feature
617 Swagger TM087 Normal Status 1 90 15 0 Swagger has a 100% chance to confuse the enemy
Swagger increases the enemy’s Attack stat by 2 stages
618 Swallow TM408 Normal Status 1 1000 10 0 Swallow recovers user’s 50% of it’s maximum HP
619 Sweet Kiss TM304 Fairy Status 1 75 10 0 Sweet Kiss has a 100% chance to confuse the enemy
620 Sweet Scent TM422 Normal Status 1 100 20 0 Sweet Scent decreases the enemy’s Evasion stat by 1 stage
621 Swift TM178 Normal Special 60 1000 20 0 Regular move. No extra feature
622 Switcheroo TM238 Dark Status 1 1000 10 0 Switcheroo swaps the stat changes (both positive and negative) between the enemy and the user
623 Swords Dance TM075 Normal Status 1 1000 20 0 Swords Dance increases the user’s Attack stat by 2 stages
624 Synchronoise TM474 Psychic Special 120 100 15 0 Synchronoise hits the target only if target shares a type (e.g., fire, grass) with the user
625 Synthesis TM121 Grass Status 1 1000 5 0 Synthesis recovers user’s 50% of it’s maximum HP
When the move Synthesis is used, if the weather is cloudless, the user recovers 50% more HP
If the weather is cloudy, the user recovers 25% less HP
626 Tackle TM202 Normal Physical 50 100 35 0 Regular move. No extra feature
627 Tail Glow Level Up Bug Status 1 1000 20 0 Tail Glow increases the user’s SpAttack stat by 3 stages
628 Tail Slap TM398 Normal Physical 25 85 10 0 Tail Slap makes the user to strike between 2-5 times in a row
629 Tail Whip TM428 Normal Status 1 100 30 0 Tail Whip decreases the enemy’s Defense stat by 1 stage
630 Tailwind TM205 Flying Status 1 1000 30 0 Tailwind increases the user’s Speed stat by 1 stage
631 Take Down TM264 Normal Physical 90 85 20 0 Take Down has 25% recoil damage
632 Taunt TM012 Dark Status 1 100 10 0 Taunt decreases the enemy’s Accuracy stat by 2 stages
633 Tearful Look TM582 Normal Status 1 100 20 0 Tearful Look decreases the enemy’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Tearful Look decreases the enemy’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
634 Techno Blast Level Up Normal Special 120 100 5 0 The type of the move Techno Blast changes according to the type of the held Crystal or Orb item
If no such item is hold, its type be Normal
635 Tectonic Rage Level Up Ground Physical 190 1000 1 0 Regular move. No extra feature
636 Teeter Dance TM355 Normal Status 1 100 20 0 Teeter Dance has a 100% chance to confuse the enemy
637 Telekinesis TM161 Psychic Status 1 1000 15 0 Telekinesis increases the user’s Accuracy stat by 2 stages
638 Teleport TM353 Psychic Status 1 1000 15 0 Teleport increases the user’s Speed stat by 2 stages
639 Thief TM046 Dark Physical 75 100 25 0 Regular move. No extra feature
640 Thousand Arrows TM586 Ground Physical 90 1000 10 0 Regular move. No extra feature
641 Thousand Waves TM583 Ground Physical 90 1000 10 0 Thousand Waves traps the enemy’s Pokemon for 99 turns (the enemy can not switch out)
This move never misses except invulnerable stage
642 Thrash TM282 Normal Physical 120 75 10 0 Regular move. No extra feature
643 Throat Chop TM533 Dark Physical 90 100 15 0 Regular move. No extra feature
644 Thunder TM025 Electric Special 110 70 10 0 Thunder has a 30% chance to paralyze the enemy
645 Thunder Fang TM457 Electric Physical 65 95 15 0 Thunder Fang has a 10% chance to paralyze the enemy
Thunder Fang has a 10% chance to make the enemy cringe
646 Thunder Punch TM140 Electric Physical 75 100 15 0 Thunder Punch has a 10% chance to paralyze the enemy
647 Thunder Shock TM497 Electric Special 40 100 30 0 Thunder Shock has a 10% chance to paralyze the enemy
648 Thunder Wave TM073 Electric Status 1 100 20 0 Thunder Wave has a 100% chance to paralyze the enemy
649 Thunderbolt TM024 Electric Special 90 100 15 0 Thunderbolt has a 10% chance to paralyze the enemy
650 Tickle TM245 Normal Status 1 100 20 0 Tickle decreases the enemy’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Tickle decreases the enemy’s Defense stat by 1 stage
651 Topsy-Turvy Level Up Dark Status 1 100 20 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 60%
Topsy-Turvy decreases the enemy’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Topsy-Turvy decreases the enemy’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
Topsy-Turvy decreases the enemy’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Topsy-Turvy decreases the enemy’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
652 Torment TM041 Dark Status 1 100 10 0 Torment decreases the enemy’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Torment decreases the enemy’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
653 Toxic TM006 Poison Status 1 100 10 0 Toxic has a 100% chance to poison the enemy
Toxic decreases the enemy’s Defense stat by 1 stage
654 Toxic Spikes TM295 Poison Status 1 100 10 0 Toxic Spikes has a 100% chance to poison the enemy
Toxic Spikes decreases the enemy’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
655 Toxic Thread Level Up Poison Status 1 100 10 0 Toxic Thread has a 100% chance to poison the enemy
Toxic Thread decreases the enemy’s Speed stat by 1 stage
656 Transform Level Up Normal Status 1 1000 10 0 Transform copies enemy’s all moves temporarily for that particular battle
657 Tri Attack TM468 Normal Special 80 100 10 0 Tri Attack has a 7% chance to paralyze the enemy
Tri Attack has a 7% chance to burn the enemy
Tri Attack has a 7% chance to freeze the enemy
658 Trick TM150 Psychic Status 1 100 10 0 Trick decreases the enemy’s Accuracy stat by 2 stages
659 Trick Room TM092 Psychic Status 1 100 5 -7 Trick Room decreases the enemy’s Speed stat by 2 stages
660 Trick-or-Treat Level Up Ghost Status 1 1000 20 0 Trick-or-Treat increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
If the move using Pokémon is a Ghost type, the effect of the move doubles.
For example, if the Pokémon uses a move that increases Defense stat by 1 stage, in this case, it increases by 2 stages
661 Triple Kick TM611 Fighting Physical 25 90 10 0 Triple Kick makes the user to strike 3 times in a row
662 Trop Kick TM554 Grass Physical 70 100 15 0 Trop Kick decreases the enemy’s Attack stat by 1 stage
663 Trump Card TM447 Normal Special 100 1000 5 0 Regular move. No extra feature
664 Twineedle TM296 Bug Physical 25 100 20 0 Twineedle has a 20% chance to poison the enemy
Twineedle makes the user to strike 2 times in a row
665 Twinkle Tackle Level Up Fairy Special 180 1000 1 0 Regular move. No extra feature
666 Twister TM216 Dragon Special 40 100 20 0 Twister has a 30% chance to make the enemy cringe
667 Uproar TM224 Normal Special 90 100 10 0 Regular move. No extra feature
668 Use Item NonCombat Normal Status 0 1000 9 9 Use Item is a non-combat system related move and cannot be learned by Pokemon
669 U-turn TM089 Bug Physical 70 100 5 0 U-turn forces you to select a new Pokemon to apply move’s other effects
Moreover, U-turn forces user to switch out to the newly selected Pokemon
670 Vacuum Wave TM380 Fighting Special 40 100 30 1 Regular move. No extra feature
671 V-create TM543 Fire Physical 180 95 5 0 V-create decreases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
V-create decreases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
V-create decreases the user’s Speed stat by 1 stage
672 Venom Drench TM455 Poison Status 1 100 20 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 30%
Venom Drench decreases the enemy’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Venom Drench decreases the enemy’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
Venom Drench decreases the enemy’s Speed stat by 1 stage
Venom Drench has a 30% chance to poison the enemy
673 Venoshock TM009 Poison Special 65 100 10 0 Base power of Venoshock doubles when the opponent is under Poisoned status problem
674 Vice Grip Level Up Normal Physical 55 100 30 0 Regular move. No extra feature
675 Vine Whip TM345 Grass Physical 45 100 25 0 Regular move. No extra feature
676 Vital Throw TM516 Fighting Physical 70 1000 10 -1 Regular move. No extra feature
677 Volt Switch TM072 Electric Special 70 100 5 0 Volt Switch forces you to select a new Pokemon to apply move’s other effects
Moreover, Volt Switch forces user to switch out to the newly selected Pokemon
678 Volt Tackle TM584 Electric Physical 120 100 15 0 Volt Tackle has 33% recoil damage
Volt Tackle has a 10% chance to paralyze the enemy
679 Volt Thunderbolt Level Up Electric Special 195 100 1 0 Regular move. No extra feature
680 Wake-Up Slap TM391 Fighting Physical 70 100 10 0 Wake-Up Slap deals double damage if the enemy is sleeping
681 Water Gun TM369 Water Special 40 100 25 0 Regular move. No extra feature
682 Water Pledge TM376 Water Special 90 100 10 0 Regular move. No extra feature
683 Water Pulse TM122 Water Special 60 100 20 0 Water Pulse has a 20% chance to confuse the enemy
684 Water Shuriken TM495 Water Physical 15 100 10 1 Water Shuriken makes the user to strike between 2-5 times in a row
685 Water Sport TM321 Water Status 1 1000 10 0 Water Sport increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Water Sport increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
686 Water Spout TM374 Water Special 150 100 5 0 Water Spout inflicts more damage when the user’s HP is higher
At full HP its base power is 150 and it decreases in proportion
Formula of the power is: 150 × CurrentHP ÷ MaxHP
687 Waterfall HM07 Water Physical 80 100 15 0 Waterfall has a 20% chance to make the enemy cringe
688 Weather Ball TM365 Normal Special 50 100 10 0 Weather Ball deals double damage if the weather is cloudless
Weather Ball deals double damage if the weather is cloudy
689 Whirlpool HM05 Water Special 35 85 15 0 Whirlpool has a 100% chance to inflict a bleeding on the enemy
Whirlpool traps the enemy’s Pokemon for 5 turns (the enemy can not switch out)
690 Whirlwind TM206 Normal Status 1 100 10 0 Whirlwind decreases the enemy’s Accuracy stat by 2 stages
691 Wide Guard TM197 Rock Status 1 1000 10 3 Wide Guard increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Wide Guard increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
692 Wild Charge TM093 Electric Physical 90 100 15 0 Wild Charge has 25% recoil damage
693 Will-O-Wisp TM061 Fire Status 1 85 15 0 Will-O-Wisp has a 100% chance to burn the enemy
694 Wing Attack TM419 Flying Physical 60 100 35 0 Regular move. No extra feature
695 Wish TM297 Normal Status 1 1000 10 0 Wish recovers user’s 50% of it’s maximum HP
696 Withdraw TM532 Water Status 1 1000 40 0 Withdraw increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
697 Wonder Room TM151 Psychic Status 1 1000 10 0 Wonder Room increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Wonder Room increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
698 Wood Hammer TM511 Grass Physical 120 100 15 0 Wood Hammer has 33% recoil damage
699 Work Up TM001 Normal Status 1 1000 30 0 Work Up increases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Work Up increases the user’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
700 Worry Seed TM123 Grass Status 1 100 10 0 Worry Seed decreases the enemy’s Accuracy stat by 2 stages
701 Wrap TM496 Normal Physical 15 90 20 0 Wrap has a 100% chance to inflict a bleeding on the enemy
Wrap traps the enemy’s Pokemon for 5 turns (the enemy can not switch out)
702 Wring Out TM346 Normal Special 120 100 5 0 Wring Out inflicts more damage when the opponent’s HP is higher
At full HP, its base power is 120 and it decreases in proportion
The power is: 120 × (CurrentHP / MaxHP of the opponent)
703 X-Scissor TM081 Bug Physical 80 100 15 0 Regular move. No extra feature
704 Yawn TM192 Normal Status 1 100 10 0 Yawn requires 2 turns to deal damage to the enemy
Yawn has a 100% chance to put the enemy to sleep
705 Zap Cannon TM527 Electric Special 120 50 5 0 Zap Cannon has a 100% chance to paralyze the enemy
706 Zen Headbutt TM152 Psychic Physical 80 90 15 0 Zen Headbutt has a 20% chance to make the enemy cringe
707 Zing Zap Level Up Electric Physical 80 100 10 0 Zing Zap has a 20% chance to make the enemy cringe
708 Baddy Bad TM561 Dark Special 90 100 15 0 Baddy Bad increases the user’s Defense stat by 2 stages
709 Bouncy Bubble TM562 Water Special 90 100 15 0 Bouncy Bubble recovers the user’s HP equal to 50% of the damage dealt
710 Buzzy Buzz TM563 Electric Special 90 100 15 0 Buzzy Buzz has a 30% chance to paralyze the enemy
711 Floaty Fall TM567 Flying Physical 90 95 15 0 Floaty Fall has a 30% chance to make the enemy cringe
712 Freezy Frost TM568 Ice Special 90 100 15 0 Freezy Frost removes all stat changes from both the enemy and the user (e.g., Attack +1 becomes 0 and Defense -1 becomes 0)
713 Glitzy Glow TM569 Psychic Special 90 100 15 0 Glitzy Glow increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
714 Sappy Seed TM577 Grass Physical 90 100 15 0 Sappy Seed recovers the user’s HP equal to 50% of the damage dealt
715 Sizzly Slide TM578 Fire Physical 90 100 15 0 Sizzly Slide has a 60% chance to burn the enemy
716 Sparkly Swirl TM579 Fairy Special 90 100 15 0 Move Sparkly Swirl affects the entire team
Sparkly Swirl cures the user’s all status problems
717 Splishy Splash TM580 Water Special 90 100 15 0 Splishy Splash has a 30% chance to paralyze the enemy
718 Zippy Zap TM585 Electric Physical 50 100 15 2 Zippy Zap has a Critical Hit chance level of +5
719 Photon Geyser Level Up Psychic Special 120 100 5 0 Regular move. No extra feature
720 Mind Blown Level Up Fire Special 150 100 5 0 Mind Blown causes user to lose its 50% of maximum HP as a recoil damage
721 Plasma Fists Level Up Electric Physical 100 100 15 0 Plasma Fists has a 10% chance to paralyze the enemy
722 Double Iron Bash Level Up Steel Physical 60 100 5 0 Double Iron Bash has a 30% chance to make the enemy cringe
Double Iron Bash makes the user to strike 2 times in a row
723 Dynamax Cannon Level Up Dragon Special 125 100 5 0 Regular move. No extra feature
724 Snipe Shot TM619 Water Special 80 100 15 0 Snipe Shot has a Critical Hit chance level of +1
725 Jaw Lock Level Up Dark Physical 80 100 10 0 Jaw Lock traps the enemy’s Pokemon for 5 turns (the enemy can not switch out)
Jaw Lock traps user’s Pokemon for 5 turns (the user can not switch out)
726 Stuff Cheeks Level Up Normal Status 1 1000 10 0 Stuff Cheeks increases the user’s Defense stat by 2 stages
Stuff Cheeks recovers user’s 20% of it’s maximum HP
727 No Retreat Level Up Fighting Status 1 1000 1 0 The move No Retreat increases user’s Attack, SpAttack, Defense, SpDefense, and Speed stats by 1 stage with 100% chance
728 Tar Shot TM620 Rock Status 1 100 15 0 Tar Shot decreases the enemy’s Speed stat by 1 stage
Tar Shot decreases the enemy’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
Tar Shot decreases the enemy’s Defense stat by 1 stage
729 Magic Powder Level Up Psychic Special 60 100 20 0 Magic Powder has a 5% chance to paralyze the enemy
Magic Powder has a 5% chance to burn the enemy
Magic Powder has a 5% chance to poison the enemy
Magic Powder has a 5% chance to inflict a bleeding on the enemy
Magic Powder has a 5% chance to freeze the enemy
730 Dragon Darts TM627 Dragon Physical 50 120 10 0 Dragon Darts makes the user to strike 2 times in a row
731 Teatime TM622 Normal Status 1 1000 10 0 Teatime recovers user’s 50% of it’s maximum HP
Teatime cures the user’s all status problems
732 Octolock TM621 Fighting Status 1 100 15 0 Octolock traps the enemy’s Pokemon for 99 turns (the enemy can not switch out)
Octolock decreases the enemy’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Octolock decreases the enemy’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
733 Bolt Beak Level Up Electric Physical 85 100 10 0 Bolt Beak deals double damage if the user strikes first this turn
734 Fishious Rend Level Up Water Physical 85 100 10 0 Fishious Rend deals double damage if the user strikes first this turn
735 Court Change Level Up Normal Status 1 1000 10 1 Court Change swaps abilities with the enemy during for that battle
736 Clangorous Soul Level Up Dragon Status 1 1000 5 0 The move Clangorous Soul increases user’s Attack, SpAttack, Defense, SpDefense, and Speed stats by 1 stage with 100% chance
Clangorous Soul causes user to lose its 33% of maximum HP as a recoil damage
737 Body Press TM588 Fighting Physical 80 100 10 0 Body Press uses user’s Defense stat instead of Attack stat for damage calculation
738 Decorate TM626 Fairy Status 1 1000 15 0 Decorate increases the user’s Attack stat by 2 stages
Decorate increases the user’s SpAttack stat by 2 stages
739 Drum Beating TM617 Grass Physical 80 100 10 0 Drum Beating decreases the enemy’s Speed stat by 1 stage
740 Snap Trap Level Up Grass Physical 35 100 15 0 Snap Trap has a 100% chance to inflict a bleeding on the enemy
Snap Trap traps the enemy’s Pokemon for 5 turns (the enemy can not switch out)
741 Pyro Ball TM618 Fire Physical 120 90 5 0 Pyro Ball has a 10% chance to burn the enemy
742 Behemoth Blade Level Up Steel Physical 125 100 5 0 Regular move. No extra feature
743 Behemoth Bash Level Up Steel Physical 125 100 5 0 Regular move. No extra feature
744 Aura Wheel Level Up Normal Physical 110 100 10 0 The type of the move Aura Wheel changes according to the type of the held Crystal or Orb item
If no such item is hold, its type be Normal
Aura Wheel increases the user’s Speed stat by 1 stage
745 Breaking Swipe TM589 Dragon Physical 60 100 15 0 Breaking Swipe decreases the enemy’s Attack stat by 1 stage
746 Branch Poke Level Up Grass Physical 40 100 40 0 Regular move. No extra feature
747 Overdrive Level Up Electric Special 95 100 10 0 Regular move. No extra feature
748 Apple Acid Level Up Grass Special 80 100 10 0 Apple Acid decreases the enemy’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
749 Grav Apple Level Up Grass Physical 80 100 10 0 Grav Apple decreases the enemy’s Defense stat by 1 stage
750 Spirit Break TM624 Fairy Physical 75 100 15 0 Spirit Break decreases the enemy’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
751 Strange Steam Level Up Fairy Special 90 95 10 0 Strange Steam has a 20% chance to confuse the enemy
752 Life Dew TM613 Water Status 1 1000 10 0 Life Dew recovers user’s 25% of it’s maximum HP
Life Dew cures the user’s all status problems
753 Obstruct TM625 Dark Status 1 1000 10 4 Obstruct increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Obstruct increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
Obstruct decreases the enemy’s Defense stat by 1 stage
754 False Surrender TM623 Dark Physical 80 1000 5 0 Regular move. No extra feature
755 Meteor Assault Level Up Fighting Physical 150 100 5 0 After using Meteor Assault move, the user has to rest a turn before attacking again
756 Eternabeam Level Up Dragon Special 160 90 5 0 After using Eternabeam move, the user has to rest a turn before attacking again
757 Steel Beam Level Up Steel Special 140 95 5 0 Steel Beam causes user to lose its 50% of maximum HP as a recoil damage
758 Expanding Force TM590 Psychic Special 60 100 10 0 Expanding Force deals double damage if the enemy strikes first this turn
759 Steel Roller TM591 Steel Physical 130 100 5 0 Steel Roller causes user to lose its 50% of maximum HP as a recoil damage
760 Scale Shot TM592 Dragon Physical 25 90 20 0 Scale Shot makes the user to strike between 2-5 times in a row
761 Meteor Beam TM593 Rock Special 120 90 10 0 Meteor Beam increases the user’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
Meteor Beam requires 2 turns to deal damage to the enemy
762 Shell Side Arm TM616 Poison Special 90 100 10 0 Shell Side Arm inflicts damage based on the target’s Defense, not Special Defense
Shell Side Arm has a 20% chance to poison the enemy
763 Misty Explosion TM594 Fairy Special 250 100 5 0 Misty Explosion is an extremely powerful attack that causes user to faint as a recoil damage
764 Grassy Glide TM595 Grass Physical 70 100 20 1 Regular move. No extra feature
765 Rising Voltage TM596 Electric Special 60 100 20 0 Rising Voltage deals double damage if the enemy strikes first this turn
766 Terrain Pulse TM597 Normal Special 50 100 10 0 Terrain Pulse deals double damage if the weather is cloudless
Terrain Pulse deals double damage if the weather is cloudy
767 Skitter Smack TM598 Bug Physical 70 90 10 0 Skitter Smack decreases the enemy’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
768 Burning Jealousy TM599 Fire Special 60 100 5 0 Burning Jealousy deals varying damage based on the opponent’s stat increases
It starts at base power of 60 and increases by 20 for every net stat boost of the opponent, up to a maximum of 200 (7 boosts)
In other words the power is: 20 × NumIncreases + 60
For example, if the opponent has 4 stat increases (+2 Special Attack, +2 Speed) then the Burning Jealousy’s base power will be 20 × 4 + 60 = 140
769 Lash Out TM600 Dark Physical 75 100 5 0 Lash Out removes all stat changes from the user (e.g., Attack +1 becomes 0 and Defense -1 becomes 0)
770 Poltern TM601 Ghost Physical 22 90 5 0 Poltern inflicts damage and if the target has a held item, damage is increased by 400%
771 Corrosive Gas TM602 Poison Status 1 100 40 0 Corrosive Gas has a 100% chance to poison the enemy
Corrosive Gas decreases the enemy’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
Corrosive Gas decreases the enemy’s Attack stat by 1 stage
772 Coaching TM603 Fighting Status 1 1000 10 0 Coaching increases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Coaching increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
773 Flip Turn TM604 Water Physical 60 100 20 0 Flip Turn forces you to select a new Pokemon to apply move’s other effects
Moreover, Flip Turn forces user to switch out to the newly selected Pokemon
774 Triple Axel TM605 Ice Physical 30 90 10 0 Triple Axel makes the user to strike 3 times in a row
775 Dual Wingbeat TM606 Flying Physical 40 90 10 0 Dual Wingbeat makes the user to strike 2 times in a row
776 Scorching Sands TM607 Ground Special 70 100 10 0 Scorching Sands has a 30% chance to burn the enemy
777 Jungle Healing Level Up Grass Status 1 1000 10 0 Jungle Healing recovers user’s 25% of it’s maximum HP
Jungle Healing cures the user’s all status problems
778 Wicked Blow Level Up Dark Physical 80 100 5 0 Wicked Blow has a Critical Hit chance level of +5
779 Surging Strikes Level Up Water Physical 25 100 5 0 Surging Strikes makes the user to strike 3 times in a row
Surging Strikes has a Critical Hit chance level of +5
780 Veevee Volley TM609 Normal Physical 100 1000 20 0 Regular move. No extra feature
781 Pika Papow TM612 Electric Special 100 1000 20 0 Regular move. No extra feature
782 Chloroblast Level Up Grass Special 120 95 5 0 Chloroblast has 50% recoil damage
783 Freezing Glare Level Up Psychic Special 90 100 10 0 Freezing Glare has a 10% chance to freeze the enemy
784 Thunderous Kick Level Up Fighting Physical 90 100 10 0 Thunderous Kick decreases the enemy’s Defense stat by 1 stage
785 Fiery Wrath Level Up Dark Special 90 100 10 0 Fiery Wrath has a 20% chance to make the enemy cringe
786 Blazing Parade Level Up Ghost Special 60 100 15 0 Blazing Parade has a 30% chance to burn the enemy
Blazing Parade deals double damage if the enemy has a status problem (e.g., Burning)
787 Eerie Trick Level Up Psychic Special 80 100 5 0 Eerie Trick reduces the enemy’s last used move’s PP by 3 points
788 Barb Barrage Level Up Poison Physical 60 100 15 0 Barb Barrage has a 30% chance to poison the enemy
Barb Barrage deals double damage if the enemy has a status problem (e.g., Burning)
789 Psyshield Bash Level Up Psychic Physical 70 90 10 0 Psyshield Bash increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Psyshield Bash increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
790 Headlong Rush Level Up Ground Physical 100 100 5 0 Headlong Rush decreases the enemy’s Defense stat by 1 stage
791 Raging Fury Level Up Fire Physical 90 85 10 0 Regular move. No extra feature
792 Wave Crash Level Up Water Physical 75 100 10 0 Wave Crash has 33% recoil damage
Wave Crash increases the user’s Speed stat by 2 stages
793 Mystical Power Level Up Psychic Special 70 90 10 0 Mystical Power randomly increases 2 of the user’s stats by 1 stages
794 Lunar Light Level Up Psychic Status 1 1000 10 0 Lunar Light increases the user’s Evasion stat by 1 stage
Lunar Light recovers user’s 50% of it’s maximum HP
Lunar Light cures the user’s all status problems
795 Take Heart Level Up Psychic Status 1 1000 10 0 Take Heart increases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Take Heart increases the user’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
Take Heart increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Take Heart increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
Take Heart cures the user’s all status problems
796 Ceaseless Edge Level Up Dark Physical 65 90 15 0 Ceaseless Edge has a Critical Hit chance level of +2
797 Victory Dance Level Up Fighting Status 1 1000 20 0 Victory Dance increases the user’s Attack stat by 1 stage
Victory Dance increases the user’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
Victory Dance increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Victory Dance increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
798 Bitter Malice Level Up Ghost Special 60 100 15 0 Bitter Malice has a 40% chance to freeze the enemy
Bitter Malice deals double damage if the enemy has a status problem (e.g., Burning)
799 Esper Wing Level Up Psychic Special 75 90 10 0 Esper Wing has a Critical Hit chance level of +2
Esper Wing increases the user’s Speed stat by 1 stage
800 Bleakwind Storm Level Up Flying Special 95 80 5 0 Bleakwind Storm has a 40% chance to freeze the enemy
801 Wildbolt Storm Level Up Electric Special 95 80 5 0 Wildbolt Storm has a 30% chance to paralyze the enemy
802 Sandsear Storm Level Up Ground Special 95 80 5 0 Sandsear Storm has a 30% chance to burn the enemy
803 Shelter Level Up Steel Status 1 1000 10 0 Shelter increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Shelter increases the user’s Evasion stat by 1 stage
804 Mountain Gale Level Up Ice Physical 100 85 5 0 Regular move. No extra feature
805 Triple Arrows Level Up Fighting Physical 50 100 15 0 Triple Arrows increases the Critical Hit chance level by 1 stages
Triple Arrows increases the user’s Defense stat by 1 stage
Triple Arrows increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
806 Thunder Cage Level Up Electric Special 80 90 15 0 Thunder Cage adds 12% of the enemy’s current health to the damage as long as the enemy is not type immune
Thunder Cage traps the enemy’s Pokemon for 5 turns (the enemy can not switch out)
807 Dragon Energy Level Up Dragon Special 150 100 5 0 Dragon Energy inflicts more damage when the user’s HP is higher
At full HP its base power is 150 and it decreases in proportion
Formula of the power is: 150 × CurrentHP ÷ MaxHP
808 Glacial Lance Level Up Ice Physical 130 100 5 0 Regular move. No extra feature
809 Astral Barrage Level Up Ghost Special 120 100 5 0 Regular move. No extra feature
810 Stone Axe Level Up Rock Physical 65 90 15 0 Stone Axe has a Critical Hit chance level of +1
811 Dire Claw Level Up Poison Physical 65 100 15 0 Dire Claw has a Critical Hit chance level of +1
Dire Claw has a 20% chance to poison the enemy
Dire Claw has a 20% chance to paralyze the enemy
Dire Claw has a 20% chance to put the enemy to sleep
812 Springtide Storm Level Up Fairy Special 95 80 5 0 The chance of the move’s effect to happen is 15%
Springtide Storm increases the user’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
Springtide Storm increases the user’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
Springtide Storm decreases the enemy’s SpAttack stat by 1 stage
Springtide Storm decreases the enemy’s SpDefense stat by 1 stage
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