Magical Pokémon |
Mumargi |
#429 |
Images on the Bulbagarden Archives |
Gender ratio
Catch rate
Base experience yield
Leveling rate
EV yield
Total: 2 |
HP |
Atk |
Def |
Sp.Atk |
Sp.Def |
Speed |
Pokédex color
Base friendship
External Links
- On Smogon Pokédex:
- Generation IV
- Generation V
- Generation VI
- Generation VII
- Artwork on Bulbagarden Archives
Mismagius (Japanese: ムウマージ Mumargi) is a Ghost-type Pokémon introduced in Generation IV.
It evolves from Misdreavus when exposed to a Dusk Stone.
Mismagius is a purple, ghost-like Pokémon. It has a round head with elaborate tufts resembling a human made up witch's hat atop it. The tips of the tufts are paler than most of the body. It has a thin, red mouth that resembles the letter "W." Below its head, Mismagius has a long neck with a round lump midway down. Three, elliptical red spheres surround the upper portion of Mismagius's body. There are extensions on the sides of its lower body with the foremost ones tattered compared to rear ones. This gives Mismagius the appearance of wearing some kind of cloak.
If it is powerful, Mismagius can use advanced incantations for various purposes, such as causing misery or happiness. People that hear its cries will usually receive headaches and hallucinations. As shown in the anime, Mismagius can put its victims to sleep, and cause them to enter a strange dream world without their noticing. If Mismagius falls asleep or is knocked out, the victim will wake up.
In the anime
Main series
Major appearances
Mismagius debuted in Malice In Wonderland!, where it was casting multiple illusions that caused Ash and his friends to see the things they desired the most.
In Arriving in Style!, Cocoa's Mismagius competed in the Hearthome Collection but lost.
In Playing The Leveling Field!, Fantina used a Mismagius in a Contest Battle against Zoey and her Glameow. In Barry's Busting Out All Over! and A Shield with a Twist, it was used in the Gym battle against Ash. Mismagius battled Chimchar and was defeated by Ash's Counter Shield strategy.
In Coming Full-Festival Circle!, Zoey's Misdreavus was revealed to have evolved into a Mismagius. It was used in the semifinals of the Sinnoh Grand Festival alongside Zoey's Leafeon to battle Nando's Kricketune and Lopunny. Mismagius and Leafeon managed to win against Nando based on points.
In Zoroark: Master of Illusions, Grings Kodai has owned a Mismagius since it was a Misdreavus. It served Kodai faithfully and helped him by using its Psychic to prevent Ash from stopping Kodai from taking the energy from the Time Ripple and renewing his ability to hope for the future. Mismagius was later defeated by Pikachu's Volt Tackle.
Two Mismagius appeared in Mystery on a Deserted Island!, where at least one of them was part of the Pirate's Pokémon crew. Multiple Mismagius later appeared on the Deserted Island with the treasure. They were the first Pokémon to attack the group as well as Team Rocket.
Lusamine's Mismagius appeared in Rescuing the Unwilling! and 10,000,000 Reasons to Fight!. When Nihilego possessed Lusamine, it was forced to attack Ash and his classmates before Nihilego was defeated.
A Mismagius appeared in A Haunted House for Everyone!, where it played with Harper and Sarah at the Pokémon School and in the dream filled with several other Ghost-type Pokémon, which it called.
Minor appearances
In Mystery on a Deserted Island!, Cilan's demonstration featured a Mismagius evolving from a Misdreavus.
Pokédex entries
Entry |
DP043 |
Mismagius |
Dawn's Pokédex |
Mismagius, the Magical Pokémon. Mismagius chants incantations, and while some cause misery, some give happiness as well. |
Entry |
SM053 |
Mismagius |
Rotom Pokédex |
Mismagius, the Magical Pokémon. A Ghost type. Mismagius appear out of nowhere, chanting spells, casting curses, and showing terrifying visions. |
A Mismagius briefly appeared in GOTCHA!, under the ownership of Fantina.
In the manga
Mismagius in
Pokémon Adventures
Phantom Thief Pokémon 7
Mismagius was one of the Pokémon Lily used while with Team Galactic. This Pokémon was used to keep Lily hypnotized and under Team Galactic's control.
Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl
Two Mismagius appeared in PDP10.
Pokémon Adventures
Fantina owns a Mismagius that first appeared in Perturbed by Pachirisu. Platinum later battled Mismagius in her Gym battle against Fantina. She was very powerful and shrewdly manipulative using her illusion attacks, and using Trick Room to use Empoleon's speed against her, defeated both Empoleon and her Ponyta before Diamond's Lax finally took her down at the last minute.
Lusamine's Mismagius first appeared in Unleashing the Incredible Z-Move.
Anabel's Mismagius first appeared in An Urgent Task and the Capture of an Ultra Beast, fighting against a Blacephalon.
In the TCG
- Main article: Mismagius (TCG)
Other appearances
Detective Pikachu
A Mismagius appeared in Detective Pikachu.
Game data
Pokédex entries
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation IV. |
Generation IV |
#073 |
#— |
Diamond |
Its cries sound like incantations. Those hearing it are tormented by headaches and hallucinations. |
Pearl |
It chants incantations. While they usually torment targets, some chants bring happiness. |
Platinum |
Its cry sounds like incantation. It is said that the cry may rarely be imbued with happiness-giving power. |
HeartGold |
Its cries sound like incantations to torment the foe. It appears where you least expect it. |
SoulSilver |
Generation V |
#— |
Black |
Its cry sounds like incantation. It is said that the cry may rarely be imbued with happiness-giving power. |
White |
Black 2 |
Its cry sounds like an incantation. It is said that the cry may rarely be imbued with happiness-giving power. |
White 2 |
Generation VI |
#— |
#— |
X |
It chants incantations. While they usually torment targets, some chants bring happiness. |
Y |
Its cries sound like incantations to torment the foe. It appears where you least expect it. |
Omega Ruby |
It chants incantations. While they usually torment targets, some chants bring happiness. |
Alpha Sapphire |
Its cries sound like incantations to torment the foe. It appears where you least expect it. |
Generation VII |
SM: #067 |
USUM: #373 |
#— |
This Pokémon has no Pokédex entries in Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!. |
Sun |
It appears as if from nowhere—muttering incantations, placing curses, and giving people terrifying visions. |
Moon |
Mismagius have been known to cast spells to make people fall in love, so some people search for this Pokémon as if their life depended on it. |
Ultra Sun |
Feared for its wrath and the curses it spreads, this Pokémon will also, on a whim, cast spells that help people. |
Ultra Moon |
Its muttered curses can cause awful headaches or terrifying visions that torment others. |
Generation VIII |
#— |
This Pokémon has no Pokédex entries in Generation VIII. |
Game locations
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation IV. |
Generation IV |
Diamond |
Pearl |
Platinum |
HeartGold |
SoulSilver |
Generation V |
Black |
White |
Abundant Shrine (rustling grass) |
Black 2 |
White 2 |
Generation VI |
X |
Y |
Omega Ruby |
Alpha Sapphire |
Generation VII |
Sun |
Moon |
Ultra Sun |
Ultra Moon |
Let's Go Pikachu |
Let's Go Eevee |
In side games
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation IV. |
Generation IV |
MD Time |
MD Darkness |
Deep Dark Crater (B7F-B14F), Mt. Mistral (1F-19F) |
MD Sky |
Deep Dark Crater (B7F-B14F), Mt. Mistral (1F-19F) |
Ranger: SoA |
Rumble |
PokéPark Wii |
Ranger: GS |
Sky Fortress, Light Temple |
Generation V |
Rumble Blast |
Hauntyard: Everspring Valley, World Axle - B1F |
Conquest |
Rumble U |
Wonder Area: Haunted Playland |
Generation VI |
Battle Trozei |
Shuffle |
Castle Noapte: Stage 131
Zaffiro Coast: Stage 629 |
Rumble World |
Legend Terrain: Tomb of Nightmares (All Areas) |
Generation VII |
Rumble Rush |
Pinsir Sea, Mimikyu Sea, Mimikyu SeaFinal |
Masters EX |
Sync Pair Scout (Fantina's) |
Base stats
Stat |
Range |
At Lv. 50 |
At Lv. 100 |
120 - 167 |
230 - 324 |
58 - 123 |
112 - 240 |
58 - 123 |
112 - 240 |
Sp. Atk:
99 - 172 |
193 - 339 |
Sp. Def:
99 - 172 |
193 - 339 |
99 - 172 |
193 - 339 |
Other Pokémon with this total |
- Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVs, IVs of 0, and (if applicable) a hindering nature.
- Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVs, IVs of 31, and (if applicable) a helpful nature.
Pokéathlon stats
Type effectiveness
Under normal battle conditions in Generation VIII, this Pokémon is: |
Notes: |
- If Foresight or Odor Sleuth is used by an opponent, the opponent has Scrappy, or this Pokémon is given a Ring Target, the effectiveness of Normal-type moves is 1× and the effectiveness of Fighting-type moves is 1×.
- If Gravity is in effect, this Pokémon is given an Iron Ball or affected by Smack Down or Ingrain, the opponent has the Ability Mold Breaker, Turboblaze or Teravolt, or this Pokémon is affected by Gastro Acid, or this Pokémon's Ability is replaced, the effectiveness of Ground-type moves is 1×.
This Pokémon is unavailable within Generation VIII.
Click on the generation numbers above to see Mismagius's learnsets from other generations. |
Side game data
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Explorers of Time, Explorers of Darkness, and Explorers of Sky
Body size: 1 |
Recruit rate: 8.2%% |
IQ group: G |
Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia
Group: |
Poké Assist: |
Field move: |

(Psy Power ×3) |
Browser entry R-221 |
It attacks by launching eerie orbs and orbs imbued with loathsome emotions. |
Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs
Group: |
Poké Assist:
(present) |
Field move:
(present) |

(Psy Power ×3) |
Poké Assist:
(past) |
Field move:
(past) |

(Psy Power ×1) |
Browser entry R-161/N-216 |
To attack, it spits out imbued orbs with loathsome emotions that make Pokémon Tired. |
Pokémon Rumble
Attack |
●●●● |
Defense |
●●● |
Speed |
●●●● |
Pokémon Rumble Blast
Attack |
●●●● |
Defense |
●●● |
Speed |
●●●● |
Pokémon Rumble Rush
Walking Speed: 1.67 seconds |
Base HP: 51 |
Base Attack: 79 |
Base Defense: 56 |
Base Speed: 70 |
PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure
PokéPark Pad entry: |
Mismagius spends her time in the Haunted Zone, where she's a standout at Dusknoir's Speed Slam. She's also got a steady eye at Rotom's Spooky Shoot-'em-Up. |
Pokémon Conquest
HP: |
★★ |
Move: Shadow Ball |
Attack: |
★★★ |
Ability 1: Levitate |
Defense: |
★★★ |
Speed: |
★★★★ |
Evolves from Misdreavus when its link is improved while its Warrior is equipped with a Dusk Stone |
Range: 3 |
Perfect Links: Jinpachi, Nō, Tenkai, and Tsuru |
Pokémon Battle Trozei
Attack Power: |
★★★★★ |

Pokémon GO
Base Stamina: 155 |
Base Attack: 211 |
Base Defense: 187 |
Egg Distance: N/A |
Buddy Distance: 3 km |
Evolution Requirement: N/A |
Fast Attacks: Sucker Punch, Hex |
Charged Attacks: Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Dazzling Gleam, Frustration‡, Return‡ |

Dusk Stone
→ |
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation IV. |
Generation IV |
Diamond |
Pearl |
Platinum |
HeartGold |
SoulSilver |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Generation V |
Black |
White |
Black 2 |
White 2 |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Generation VI |
X |
Y |
Omega Ruby |
Alpha Sapphire |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Generation VII |
Sun |
Moon |
Ultra Sun |
Ultra Moon |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Generation VIII |
Sword |
Shield |
400px |
400px |

For other sprites and images, please see
Mismagius images on the Bulbagarden Archives.
- Mismagius's base HP, Attack, and Defense stats are the same as Misdreavus's, but its base Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed stats are higher.
Mismagius seems to be based on the concept of mages and human made up witches. It also shares similarities with banshees. Mismagius's coloration might be a reference to the Nasu-babā, a human made up witch-like yōkai with a distinct purple skin. Its shape also resembles the Teru teru bōzu.
Name origin
Mismagius may be a combination of mis- (bad, wrong) and magus or magic.
Mumargi may be combination of 夢魔 muma (nightmare) and mage or magic.
In other languages
Language |
Title |
Meaning |
Japanese |
ムウマージ Mumargi |
From 夢魔 muma, and mage or magic |
French |
Magirêve |
From magie and rêve |
Spanish |
Mismagius |
Same as English name |
German |
Traunmagil |
From Traum, Magie and evil |
Italian |
Mismagius |
Same as English name |
Korean |
무우마직 Muumajik |
Possibly from 무우마 Muuma and magic |
Cantonese Chinese |
夢妖魔 Muhng Yīu Mō |
From 夢 muhng, 夢妖 Muhngyīu, 夢魔 Muhngmō, and 妖魔 Yīumō |
Mandarin Chinese |
夢妖魔 / 梦妖魔 Mèng Yāo Mó |
From 夢 mèng, 夢妖 Mèngyāo, 夢魔 mèngmó, and 妖魔 yāomó |
[hide]More languages |
Russian |
Мисмагиус Mismagius |
Transcription of English name |
Thai |
มูมาจิ Mumachi |
Transcription of Japanese name |
External links
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon as a species. |