+350% & , +35% | 41 Hr 53 Min
+10% & , +1% | Info
06:06 AM (Morning)
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Steel Valley Click to see this route's zone global map. This is the best way of finding your path Click to see all zones (1-19) world map image. Big size image
Average Level: 58
Average EXP: 2561
Average Gold: 128
Different Pokémon: 40
Ultra Rare Pokémon: 4
Legendary Pokémon: 2
Shiny Pokémon: 1
Route Order 327
The Reachable Maps From This Map
NPC Trainers found on this Map
Steel Trainer
683,314 EXP
34,165 Gold
1 x Epic Hammer
1 x Survival Armor
Name Class Level Held Item
Lucario Ultra Rare 70 Wise Warrior
Name Class Level Held Item
Excadrill Rare 72 Steel Crystal
Name Class Level Held Item
Duraludon Ultra Rare 74 Wise Warrior
Name Class Level Held Item
Wormadam-Trash Rare 75 Freezing Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Magearna Legendary 76 Fairy Crystal
Steel Trainer
94,956 EXP
4,747 Gold
1 x Accuracy Serum
1 x Attack Serum
Name Class Level Held Item
Alolan-Dugtrio Rare 72 Attack Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Doublade Rare 79 Party Exp Share
Steel Trainer
217,218 EXP
10,860 Gold
1 x Attractive Player
1 x Horrifying Player
Name Class Level Held Item
Togedemaru Rare 72 Superior Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Klang Rare 75 SpDefense Armor
Name Class Level Held Item
Forretress Rare 78 SpDefense Armor
Name Class Level Held Item
Bisharp Rare 79 Steel Orb
Walking On The Map (Grass, Clouds Surface, Cave Surface)
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold EV Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Pichu Common 57 59 696 34 Speed: 1 8.28%
Shinx Common 57 59 994 49 Atk: 1 8.17%
Ferroseed Common 57 59 1010 50 Def: 1 8.17%
Sizzlipede Common 57 59 1010 50 Atk: 1 8.17%
Cufant Common 57 59 1093 54 Atk: 1 8.17%
Larvitar Common 57 59 1110 55 Atk: 1 8.17%
Bronzor Common 57 59 1193 59 Def: 1 8.17%
Alolan-Diglett Common 57 59 1342 67 Speed: 1 8.17%
Meditite Common 57 59 1508 75 Speed: 1 8.17%
Deerling-Autumn Uncommon 59 61 2297 114 Speed: 1 1.9%
Pawniard Uncommon 59 61 2331 116 Atk: 1 1.9%
Alolan-Raticate Uncommon 59 61 3977 198 Speed: 2 1.9%
Flaaffy Uncommon 59 61 4011 200 SpAtk: 2 1.9%
Herdier Uncommon 59 61 4457 222 Atk: 2 1.9%
Charjabug Uncommon 59 61 4800 240 Def: 2 1.9%
Galarian-Linoone Uncommon 59 61 5040 252 Speed: 1 1.9%
Timburr-Log Uncommon 59 61 5142 257 Atk: 2 1.9%
Metang Uncommon 59 61 5245 262 Def: 2 1.9%
Forretress Rare 62 64 7434 371 Def: 2 0.59%
Togedemaru Rare 62 64 9576 478 Atk: 2 0.59%
Alolan-Dugtrio Rare 62 64 9630 481 Atk: 2 0.59%
Klang Rare 62 64 9702 485 Def: 2 0.59%
Doublade Rare 62 64 9882 494 Def: 2 0.59%
Wormadam-Trash Rare 62 64 10008 500 SpDef: 1 0.59%
Magmar Rare 62 64 10512 525 SpAtk: 2 0.59%
Xatu Rare 62 64 10764 538 Speed: 1 0.59%
Bisharp Rare 62 64 10836 541 Atk: 2 0.59%
Simisear Rare 62 64 10962 548 Speed: 2 0.59%
Barbaracle Rare 62 64 11016 550 Atk: 2 0.59%
Excadrill Rare 62 64 11214 560 Atk: 2 0.59%
Politoed Rare 62 64 11646 582 SpDef: 3 0.59%
Drifblim Rare 62 64 12852 642 HP: 2 0.59%
Orbeetle Rare 62 64 15930 796 SpDef: 1 0.59%
Duraludon Ultra Rare 65 67 17631 881 SpAtk: 1 0.08%
Flygon Ultra Rare 65 67 18574 928 Speed: 2 0.08%
Lucario Ultra Rare 65 67 19234 961 SpAtk: 1 0.08%
Volcarona Ultra Rare 65 67 23382 1169 SpAtk: 3 0.08%
Magearna Legendary 70 72 15822 791 SpAtk: 3 0.04%
Arceus-Grass Legendary 70 72 33613 1680 HP: 3 0.04%
Shiny-Shellos-West Shiny 75 77 2366 118 HP: 1 0.01%
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