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13:11 PM (Day)
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Lightning Strike Path Click to see this route's zone global map. This is the best way of finding your path Click to see all zones (1-19) world map image. Big size image
Average Level: 50
Average EXP: 1463
Average Gold: 73
Different Pokémon: 40
Ultra Rare Pokémon: 4
Legendary Pokémon: 2
Shiny Pokémon: 1
Route Order 268
The Reachable Maps From This Map
NPC Trainers found on this Map
Electric Trainer
122,584 EXP
6,129 Gold
1 x Accuracy Serum
1 x Attack Serum
Name Class Level Held Item
Emolga Rare 56 Superior Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Pikachu-Lightning Rare 56 Party Exp Share
Name Class Level Held Item
Lanturn Rare 57 Electric Crystal
Electric Trainer
210,134 EXP
10,506 Gold
1 x Extreme Ball
1 x TM001
Name Class Level Held Item
Galarian-Eelektrik Uncommon 54 Party Exp Share
Name Class Level Held Item
Elekid Uncommon 55 Furious Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Magneton Rare 57 Epic Hammer
Name Class Level Held Item
Pikachu-Fierce Rare 57 Mystical Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Xurkitree Ultra Rare 61 Attack Weapon
Electric Trainer
229,955 EXP
11,497 Gold
1 x Attractive Player
1 x Horrifying Player
Name Class Level Held Item
Pachirisu Uncommon 53 SpAttack Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Pikachu-Rockstar Rare 56 Mystical Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Togedemaru Rare 57 Lava Walker
Name Class Level Held Item
Pikachu-Belle Rare 58 Sleeping Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Rotom-Frost Ultra Rare 59 Superior Weapon
Walking On The Map (Grass, Clouds Surface, Cave Surface)
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold EV Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Sunkern Common 50 50 742 37 SpAtk: 1 5.99%
Pichu Common 50 50 600 30 Speed: 1 5.76%
Noibat Common 50 50 700 35 Speed: 1 5.76%
Applin Common 50 50 742 37 Def: 1 5.76%
Spinarak Common 50 50 771 38 Atk: 1 5.76%
Rattata Common 50 50 814 40 Speed: 1 5.76%
Nidoran_F Common 50 50 842 42 HP: 1 5.76%
Mareep Common 50 50 842 42 SpAtk: 1 5.76%
Shinx Common 50 50 857 42 Atk: 1 5.76%
Ducklett Common 50 50 871 43 HP: 1 5.76%
Zorua Common 50 50 942 47 SpAtk: 1 5.76%
Helioptile Common 50 50 971 48 Speed: 1 5.76%
Alolan-Geodude Common 50 50 1042 52 Def: 1 5.76%
Mankey Common 50 50 1057 52 Atk: 1 5.76%
Chinchou Common 50 50 1285 64 HP: 1 5.76%
Unown-S Uncommon 52 52 1812 90 SpAtk: 1 1.34%
Elekid Uncommon 52 52 3149 157 Speed: 1 1.34%
Pachirisu Uncommon 52 52 3565 178 Speed: 1 1.34%
Sealeo Uncommon 52 52 3803 190 HP: 2 1.34%
Galarian-Eelektrik Uncommon 52 52 4219 210 Atk: 2 1.34%
Vivillon-Monsoon Uncommon 52 52 5497 274 Def: 2 1.34%
Pikachu-Rockstar Rare 55 55 4510 225 Speed: 2 0.41%
Pikachu-Belle Rare 55 55 4510 225 Speed: 2 0.41%
Pikachu-Fierce Rare 55 55 4510 225 Speed: 2 0.41%
Pikachu-Lightning Rare 55 55 6097 304 SpAtk: 3 0.41%
Forretress Rare 55 55 6490 324 Def: 2 0.41%
Dragonair-Icy Rare 55 55 7920 396 Atk: 2 0.41%
Emolga Rare 55 55 8250 412 Speed: 2 0.41%
Togedemaru Rare 55 55 8360 418 Atk: 2 0.41%
Lanturn Rare 55 55 8580 429 HP: 2 0.41%
Magneton Rare 55 55 8847 442 SpAtk: 2 0.41%
Alolan-Sandslash Rare 55 55 8957 447 Def: 2 0.41%
Jumpluff Rare 55 55 9680 484 Speed: 3 0.41%
Xurkitree Ultra Rare 58 58 9445 472 SpAtk: 3 0.08%
Kartana Ultra Rare 58 58 9445 472 Atk: 3 0.08%
Guzzlord Ultra Rare 58 58 9445 472 HP: 3 0.08%
Rotom-Frost Ultra Rare 58 58 10937 546 Speed: 1 0.08%
Phione Legendary 70 70 21440 1072 HP: 1 0.04%
Thundurus-Therian Legendary 70 70 33920 1696 Atk: 3 0.04%
Shiny-Mewtwo-Armor Shiny 70 70 39600 1980 SpDef: 3 0.01%
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