Ball Whale Pokémon |
Hoeruko |
#320 |
Images on the Bulbagarden Archives |
Water Veil or Oblivious |
Hidden Ability |
Gender ratio
Catch rate
Base experience yield
Leveling rate
EV yield
Total: 1 |
HP |
Atk |
Def |
Sp.Atk |
Sp.Def |
Speed |
Pokédex color
Base friendship
External Links
- On Smogon Pokédex:
- Generation III
- Generation IV
- Generation V
- Generation VI
- Generation VII
- Artwork on Bulbagarden Archives
Wailmer (Japanese: ホエルコ Hoeruko) is a Water-type Pokémon introduced in Generation III.
It evolves into Wailord starting at level 40.
Wailmer, along with Azurill and Kecleon, was one of the first Generation III Pokémon revealed, in early March 2001.
Wailmer is a spherical whale Pokémon with no tail. It has a dark blue topside and a tan underbelly with grooves. It has two fins that have finger-like appendages, baleen plates that resemble teeth, and a blowhole on the top of its head.
Wailmer stores water inside its body, which it expels through its nostrils to startle people. When storing water in its body, it can turn into a bouncing ball. The more water filling its body, the higher it can bounce. It becomes lethargic when it is dry. It swims with its mouth open and eats tons of food a day, such as Wishiwashi. It lives in the sea, and can only live on land for a short amount of time. It occasionally bounces onto the beaches to play. On rare occasions, pods can be seen washed up on shore due to memories of having once lived on land. Dhelmise and Sharpedo are natural predators to Wailmer.
In the anime
Main series
Major appearances
In The Great Eight Fate!, a Wailmer was part of Juan's Sootopolis City Water Exhibit. It and Juan's other Pokémon were captured by Team Rocket, but they all worked together to escape.
In Island Time, a Wailmer befriended Robin and eventually evolved into a Wailord in order to transport him, Ash, and his friends to a ship heading to Ever Grande City. However, Robin later decided that he wanted to go back to the island he was living on.
In Pruning a Passel of Pals!, a Coordinator's Wailmer competed in the Battle Stage of the Wallace Cup. It went up against Dawn's Buneary and lost, allowing Dawn to advance forward in the Contest.
In Leading a Stray!, a Wailmer was trapped in the sewers, but it was rescued by Ash, who later helped it rejoin its family in the ocean. It evolved into a Wailord in the same episode.
In Yo, Ho, Ho! Go, Popplio!, Professor Kukui, Kiawe, and Sophocles used two Poké Ride Wailmer to travel around Melemele Island.
In The Island Whisperer!, a Wailmer was attacked by a Bruxish's Psychic powers and was subsequently stuck in-between a rock formation in the sea.
Minor appearances
Wailmer debuted in Pikachu's PikaBoo.
In Pokémon Heroes: Latios & Latias, Ross used a Wailmer during the Tour de Alto Mare. It and Ross came in second, while Misty and her Corsola came in first by a mere centimeter.
Two Wailmer made their main series debut in Johto Photo Finish, during Harrison's explanation of the Hoenn region.
In Hoenn Alone!, multiple Wailmer were swimming in the ocean.
A Wailmer appeared in the opening sequence of Destiny Deoxys.
In Clamperl of Wisdom, multiple Wailmer were living at Maisie Island.
Three Wailmer appeared in The Relicanth Really Can.
Multiple Wailmer appeared in The Evolutionary War.
In Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea, multiple Wailmer were present during the final showdown with The Phantom and his crew.
Multiple Wailmer appeared in Giratina and the Sky Warrior.
In One Team, Two Team, Red Team, Blue Team!, a student used a Wailmer provided by the Pokémon Summer Academy for the second leg of the Pokémon Triathlon.
Multiple Wailmer appeared in Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!.
Multiple Wailmer appeared in Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction.
A Wailmer appeared in Alola to New Adventure!.
Three Wailmer appeared in a fantasy in Yo, Ho, Ho! Go, Popplio!.
In Filling the Light with Darkness!, a fantasy of a story from the past featured a Wailmer. It reappeared in a similar fashion during The Prism Between Light and Darkness!.
In Securing the Future!, a Wailmer joined the rest of Alola in showering Necrozma with light so it could return to its normal form.
A Wailmer appeared in Pikachu's Exciting Adventure!.
Pokédex entries
Entry |
AG124 |
Wailmer |
Ash's Pokédex |
Wailmer, the Ball Whale Pokémon. Wailmer loves to startle people by storing water inside its body, then expelling it through its nostrils. |
Entry |
DP109 |
Wailmer |
Ash's Pokédex |
Wailmer, the Ball Whale Pokémon. It spouts water out of its nose and becomes lethargic when its body becomes dry. |
Pokémon: Twilight Wings
In Early-Evening Waves, two Wailmer were living in a lake where Nessa was doing a photoshoot.
In the manga
Wailmer in
Pokémon Adventures
Pokémon Adventures
In Stick This in Your Craw, Crawdaunt I, Mr. Briney caught three Wailmer while fishing. A fourth was in Archie's aquarium collection.
Two Wailmer appeared in Not So Fetching Feebas.
Pokémon Ruby-Sapphire
A Wailmer appeared in Save Wailmer!.
In the TCG
- Main article: Wailmer (TCG)
Game data
NPC appearances
- Pokémon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire: Hitting the ball into Wailmer's mouth will activate Catch 'Em Mode on the Sapphire Field.
- Pokémon Channel: On the beach, the player can fish for Pokémon with the fishing rod and bait provided. Wailmer is uncommon, but if the player reels Wailmer to the shore, the player can see the tremendous size difference between Wailmer and Pikachu.
- Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia: Wailmer was seen in the 12th and 13th mission, being caught by the Team Dim Sun for their cargo ship. They were supposed to take Wailord, but they tried to bluff their way through by calling Wailmer a Wailord Mini.
Pokédex entries
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation III. |
Generation III |
#099 |
#— |
Ruby |
Wailmer's nostrils are located above its eyes. This playful Pokémon loves to startle people by forcefully snorting out seawater it stores inside its body out of its nostrils. |
Sapphire |
Wailmer can store water inside its body to transform itself into a ball for bouncing on the ground. By filling itself up with more water, this Pokémon can elevate the height of its bounces. |
Emerald |
While this Pokémon usually lives in the sea, it can survive on land, although not too long. It loses vitality if its body becomes dried out. |
FireRed |
When it sucks in a large volume of seawater, it becomes like a big, bouncy ball. It eats a ton of food daily. |
LeafGreen |
Generation IV |
#— |
#— |
Diamond |
On sunny days, it lands on beaches to bounce like a ball and play. It spouts water from its nose. |
Pearl |
Platinum |
HeartGold |
It bounces playfully like a ball. The more seawater it swallows, the higher it bounces. |
SoulSilver |
Generation V |
B2W2: #240 |
Black |
On sunny days, it lands on beaches to bounce like a ball and play. It spouts water from its nose. |
White |
Black 2 |
It eats one ton of food every day. It plays by shooting stored seawater out its blowholes with great force. |
White 2 |
Generation VI |
Coastal #027 |
#104 |
X |
It bounces playfully like a ball. The more seawater it swallows, the higher it bounces. |
Y |
It eats one ton of food every day. It plays by shooting stored seawater out its blowholes with great force. |
Omega Ruby |
Wailmer's nostrils are located above its eyes. This playful Pokémon loves to startle people by forcefully snorting out seawater it stores inside its body out of its nostrils. |
Alpha Sapphire |
Wailmer can store water inside its body to transform itself into a ball for bouncing around on the ground. By filling itself up with more water, this Pokémon can elevate the height of its bounces. |
Generation VII |
SM: #266 |
USUM: #351 |
#— |
This Pokémon has no Pokédex entries in Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!. |
Sun |
It loves to startle people. It fills itself up with seawater and plays by bouncing around like a ball. |
Moon |
It shows off by spraying jets of seawater from the nostrils above its eyes. It eats a solid ton of Wishiwashi every day. |
Ultra Sun |
It swims along with its mouth open and swallows down seawater along with its food. It sprays excess water out of its nostrils. |
Ultra Moon |
Due to their memories of when they once lived on land, pods of them will, very rarely, wash up on shore. |
Generation VIII |
#356 |
Isle of Armor #190 |
Sword |
It shows off by spraying jets of seawater from the nostrils above its eyes. It eats a solid ton of Wishiwashi every day. |
Shield |
When it sucks in a large volume of seawater, it becomes like a big, bouncy ball. It eats a ton of food daily. |
Game locations
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation III. |
Generation III |
Ruby |
Sapphire |
Routes 103, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 115, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, Dewford Town, Ever Grande City, Lilycove City, Mossdeep City, Pacifidlog Town, Seafloor Cavern, Shoal Cave, Slateport City (Fishing) |
Emerald |
Routes 103, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 115, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, Dewford Town, Ever Grande City, Lilycove City, Mossdeep City, Pacifidlog Town, Seafloor Cavern, Shoal Cave, Slateport City (Fishing) |
FireRed |
LeafGreen |
Colosseum |
XD |
Generation IV |
Diamond |
Pearl |
Routes 223 and 230 (Super Rod) |
Platinum |
Routes 223 and 230 (Super Rod) |
HeartGold |
SoulSilver |
Trade or Transfer from Pokéwalker |
Pal Park |
Pokéwalker |
Generation V |
Black |
White |
Undella Town, Undella Bay (Surfing in rippling water) |
Black 2 |
White 2 |
Undella Bay (Surfing in rippling water) |
Dream World |
Generation VI |
X |
Y |
Cyllage City, Ambrette Town, Route 8 (Surfing) |
Omega Ruby |
Routes 103, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 115, 122, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, and 134, Dewford Town, Ever Grande City, Lilycove City, Mossdeep City, Pacifidlog Town, Sea Mauville, Seafloor Cavern, Sealed Chamber, Shoal Cave, Slateport City, Team Magma Hideout, Victory Road (Good Rod or Super Rod) |
Alpha Sapphire |
Routes 103, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 115, 122, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, and 134, Dewford Town, Ever Grande City, Lilycove City, Mossdeep City, Pacifidlog Town, Sea Mauville, Seafloor Cavern, Sealed Chamber, Shoal Cave, Slateport City, Team Aqua Hideout, Victory Road (Good Rod or Super Rod) |
Generation VII |
Sun |
Moon |
Poni Breaker Coast, Seafolk Village (Fishing)
Poni Wilds (Fishing and Ambush encounter) |
Ultra Sun |
Ultra Moon |
Seafolk Village (Fishing)
Poni Breaker Coast (Fishing and Ambush encounter) |
Let's Go Pikachu |
Let's Go Eevee |
Generation VIII |
Sword |
Shield |
Route 9
Motostoke Riverbank (Wanderer)
Bridge Field, East Lake Axewell, Lake of Outrage, North Lake Miloch, South Lake Miloch, West Lake Axewell (Max Raid Battle) |
Expansion Pass |
Frigid Sea, Honeycalm Island, Honeycalm Sea
Max Lair (Dynamax Adventure) |
In side games
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation III. |
Generation III |
Channel |
Pinball: R&S |
Trozei! |
Secret Storage 14, Endless Level 8, Forever Level 8, Mr. Who's Den |
MD Red |
MD Blue |
Silver Trench (41F-50F), Far-off Sea (41F-50F) |
Ranger |
Generation IV |
MD Time |
MD Darkness |
Surrounded Sea (B1F-B20F), Miracle Sea (B1F-B18F, Deep Miracle Sea B1F-B3F), Bottomless Sea (B1F-B25F) |
MD Sky |
Surrounded Sea (B1F-B20F), Miracle Sea (B1F-B18F, Deep Miracle Sea B1F-B3F), Bottomless Sea (B1F-B25F) |
Ranch |
Generation V |
Rumble Blast |
Rumble U |
Wonder Area: Go Big or Go Home! |
Generation VI |
Battle Trozei |
Distortion Island: Stage 6 |
Shuffle |
Rumble World |
Sapphire Sea: Sea of Origin (All Areas) |
Generation VII |
Rumble Rush |
Butterfree Sea, Rayquaza Sea, Greninja Sea, Celebi SeaFinal |
Held items
Game |
Held Item(s) |
Ranch |
Tanga Berry (100%) |
Base stats
Stat |
Range |
At Lv. 50 |
At Lv. 100 |
190 - 237 |
370 - 464 |
67 - 134 |
130 - 262 |
36 - 95 |
67 - 185 |
Sp. Atk:
67 - 134 |
130 - 262 |
Sp. Def:
36 - 95 |
67 - 185 |
58 - 123 |
112 - 240 |
Other Pokémon with this total |
- Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVs, IVs of 0, and (if applicable) a hindering nature.
- Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVs, IVs of 31, and (if applicable) a helpful nature.
Pokéathlon stats
Type effectiveness
Under normal battle conditions in Generation VIII, this Pokémon is: |
By leveling up
Move |
1 |
Splash |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
40 |
3 |
Growl |
Normal |
Status |
— |
100% |
40 |
6 |
Astonish |
Ghost |
Physical |
30 |
100% |
15 |
12 |
Water Gun |
Water |
Special |
40 |
100% |
25 |
15 |
Mist |
Ice |
Status |
— |
—% |
30 |
18 |
Water Pulse |
Water |
Special |
60 |
100% |
20 |
21 |
Heavy Slam |
Steel |
Physical |
— |
100% |
10 |
24 |
Brine |
Water |
Special |
65 |
100% |
10 |
27 |
Whirlpool |
Water |
Special |
35 |
85% |
15 |
30 |
Dive |
Water |
Physical |
80 |
100% |
10 |
33 |
Bounce |
Flying |
Physical |
85 |
85% |
5 |
36 |
Body Slam |
Normal |
Physical |
85 |
100% |
15 |
39 |
Rest |
Psychic |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
42 |
Amnesia |
Psychic |
Status |
— |
—% |
20 |
45 |
Hydro Pump |
Water |
Special |
110 |
80% |
5 |
48 |
Water Spout |
Water |
Special |
150 |
100% |
5 |
- Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Wailmer
- Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Wailmer
- Click on the generation numbers at the top to see level-up moves from other generations
Move |
TM20 |
Self-Destruct |
Normal |
Physical |
200 |
100% |
5 |
TM21 |
Rest |
Psychic |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
TM24 |
Snore |
Normal |
Special |
50 |
100% |
15 |
TM25 |
Protect |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
TM27 |
Icy Wind |
Ice |
Special |
55 |
95% |
15 |
TM31 |
Attract |
Normal |
Status |
— |
100% |
15 |
TM33 |
Rain Dance |
Water |
Status |
— |
—% |
5 |
TM35 |
Hail |
Ice |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
TM36 |
Whirlpool |
Water |
Special |
35 |
85% |
15 |
TM39 |
Facade |
Normal |
Physical |
70 |
100% |
20 |
TM45 |
Dive |
Water |
Physical |
80 |
100% |
10 |
TM46 |
Weather Ball |
Normal |
Special |
50 |
100% |
10 |
TM48 |
Rock Tomb |
Rock |
Physical |
60 |
95% |
15 |
TM52 |
Bounce |
Flying |
Physical |
85 |
85% |
5 |
TM55 |
Brine |
Water |
Special |
65 |
100% |
10 |
TM64 |
Avalanche |
Ice |
Physical |
60 |
100% |
10 |
TM76 |
Round |
Normal |
Special |
60 |
100% |
15 |
TM81 |
Bulldoze |
Ground |
Physical |
60 |
100% |
20 |
TR01 |
Body Slam |
Normal |
Physical |
85 |
100% |
15 |
TR03 |
Hydro Pump |
Water |
Special |
110 |
80% |
5 |
TR04 |
Surf |
Water |
Special |
90 |
100% |
15 |
TR05 |
Ice Beam |
Ice |
Special |
90 |
100% |
10 |
TR06 |
Blizzard |
Ice |
Special |
110 |
70% |
5 |
TR10 |
Earthquake |
Ground |
Physical |
100 |
100% |
10 |
TR16 |
Waterfall |
Water |
Physical |
80 |
100% |
15 |
TR17 |
Amnesia |
Psychic |
Status |
— |
—% |
20 |
TR20 |
Substitute |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
TR26 |
Endure |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
TR27 |
Sleep Talk |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
TR42 |
Hyper Voice |
Normal |
Special |
90 |
100% |
10 |
TR69 |
Zen Headbutt |
Psychic |
Physical |
80 |
90% |
15 |
TR79 |
Heavy Slam |
Steel |
Physical |
— |
100% |
10 |
TR84 |
Scald |
Water |
Special |
80 |
100% |
15 |
TR99 |
Body Press |
Fighting |
Physical |
80 |
100% |
10 |
- Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Wailmer
- Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Wailmer
- Click on the generation numbers at the top to see TM moves from other generations
By breeding
Move |
Aqua Ring |
Water |
Status |
— |
—% |
20 |
Curse |
Ghost |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
Defense Curl |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
40 |
Double-Edge |
Normal |
Physical |
120 |
100% |
15 |
Fissure |
Ground |
Physical |
— |
30% |
5 |
Rollout |
Rock |
Physical |
30 |
90% |
20 |
Soak |
Water |
Status |
— |
100% |
20 |
Thrash |
Normal |
Physical |
120 |
100% |
10 |
Tickle |
Normal |
Status |
— |
100% |
20 |
- Moves marked with an asterisk (*) must be chain bred onto Wailmer in Generation VIII
- Moves marked with a double dagger (‡) can only be bred from a Pokémon who learned the move in an earlier generation.
- Moves marked with a superscript game abbreviation can only be bred onto Wailmer in that game.
- Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Wailmer
- Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Wailmer
- Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Egg moves from other generations
By tutoring
Move |
Sw |
Sh |
EP |
Steel Roller |
Steel |
Physical |
130 |
100% |
5 |
- Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Wailmer
- Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Wailmer
- Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Move Tutor moves from other generations
By transfer from another generation
Gen. |
IV |
V |
VI |
Captivate × |
Normal |
Status |
— |
100% |
20 |
IV |
V |
VI |
Clear Smog |
Poison |
Special |
50 |
—% |
15 |
IV |
V |
VI |
Confide |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
20 |
IV |
V |
VI |
Double Team |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
15 |
IV |
V |
VI |
Echoed Voice |
Normal |
Special |
40 |
100% |
15 |
IV |
V |
VI |
Frustration × |
Normal |
Physical |
— |
100% |
20 |
IV |
V |
VI |
Headbutt |
Normal |
Physical |
70 |
100% |
15 |
IV |
V |
VI |
Hidden Power × |
Normal |
Special |
60 |
100% |
15 |
IV |
V |
VI |
Mimic |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
IV |
V |
VI |
Natural Gift × |
Normal |
Physical |
— |
100% |
15 |
IV |
V |
VI |
Return × |
Normal |
Physical |
— |
100% |
20 |
IV |
V |
VI |
Roar |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
20 |
IV |
V |
VI |
Rock Smash |
Fighting |
Physical |
40 |
100% |
15 |
IV |
V |
VI |
Secret Power × |
Normal |
Physical |
70 |
100% |
20 |
IV |
V |
VI |
Strength |
Normal |
Physical |
80 |
100% |
15 |
IV |
V |
VI |
Swagger |
Normal |
Status |
— |
85% |
15 |
IV |
V |
VI |
Toxic |
Poison |
Status |
— |
90% |
10 |
- A striped background indicates a generation in which the move can only be obtained via event or as a special move
- Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Wailmer
- Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Wailmer
- × indicates a move that cannot be used in Generation VIII
- Click on the generation numbers at the top to see transfer-only moves for other generations
TCG-only moves
Move |
Card |
Tackle |
Ross's Wailmer (Theater VS Pack 5) |
Take Down |
Wailmer (Supreme Victors 87) |
Side game data

Level 40
→ |
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation III. |
Generation III |
Ruby |
Sapphire |
Emerald |
FireRed |
LeafGreen |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Generation IV |
Diamond |
Pearl |
Platinum |
HeartGold |
SoulSilver |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Generation V |
Black |
White |
Black 2 |
White 2 |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Generation VI |
X |
Y |
Omega Ruby |
Alpha Sapphire |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Generation VII |
Sun |
Moon |
Ultra Sun |
Ultra Moon |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |

For other sprites and images, please see
Wailmer images on the Bulbagarden Archives.
- Wailmer and its evolved form's Egg Group combination (Field and Water 2) is unique.
- Wailmer is the only Generation III Pokémon with a TCG card containing dot codes for an e-Reader application.
- In Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, Wailmer is the only Pokémon with a unique Surf model without any modified traversing features.
- Wailmer is the only Pokémon that can be found through random encounters in the Crown Tundra that does not appear in the Crown Tundra Pokédex.
Wailmer is based on a baleen whale with aspects of a beach ball.
Name origin
Wailmer may be a combination of whale and mer (French for sea). Wail may also refer to the sounds or songs that whales and this Pokémon might make.
Hoeruko literally means 吠える子 (bellowing child), but 吠える hoeru (bellow) is phonetically similar to whale, making it also possibly mean whale child.
In other languages
Language |
Title |
Meaning |
Japanese |
ホエルコ Hoeruko |
From 吠える hoeru, whale, and 子 ko |
French |
Wailmer |
Same as English name |
Spanish |
Wailmer |
Same as English name |
German |
Wailmer |
Same as English name |
Italian |
Wailmer |
Same as English name |
Korean |
고래왕자 Goraewangja |
Portmanteau of 고래 gorae and 왕자 (王子) wangja. It is notable that 대왕고래 daewanggorae is the Korean name of the blue whale. |
Cantonese Chinese |
Mandarin Chinese |
吼吼鯨 / 吼吼鲸 Hǒuhǒujīng |
Literally "Bellowing whale" |
[hide]More languages |
Russian |
Вэйлмер Veylmer |
Transliteration of English name |
Thai |
เวลโกะ Wenko |
Transcription of Japanese name |
External links
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon as a species. |